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supersoul in the souls heart

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I've seen some thing which doesnt quite make sense to me can anyone

help bg 8.9 says the supersoul enter the souls heart where as

everywhere else it says that the supersouls and soul reside in the

heart 'besides' each other.


Purport bhagavad gita 8.9

He is smaller than the smallest. The living entity is one ten-

thousandth part of the tip of a hair, but the Lord is so

inconceivably small that He enters into the heart of this particle.

Therefore He is called smaller than the smallest. As the Supreme, He

can enter into the atom and into the heart of the smallest and

control him as the Supersoul. Although so small, He is still all-

pervading and is maintaining everything. By Him all these planetary

systems are sustained.


Purport bhagavad gita 8.4

The Supersoul, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, seated beside the

individual soul, is the witness of the individual soul's activities

and is the source of consciousness.

The Supersoul gives the jiva an opportunity to act freely, and He

witnesses his activities.


Purport bhagavad gita 16.11-12

The demoniac person, who has no faith in God or the Supersoul within

himself, performs all kinds of sinful activities simply for sense

gratification. He does not know that there is a witness sitting

within his heart. The Supersoul is observing the activities of the

individual soul. As it is stated in the Vedic literature, the

Upanisads, there are two birds sitting in one tree; one is acting and

enjoying or suffering the fruits of the branches, and the other is

witnessing. But one who is demoniac has

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