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Appearance of Radha Kunda

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The Appearance of Radha-kundaWhen the inhabitants of Vrindavana heard that

Krishna had killed the terrible Aristasura demon (who appeared in the shape of

a bull) they all rushed to the spot in a jubilant mood. Srimati Radharani and

Her girlfriends also arrived at the scene and upon hearing that Krishna had

killed a bull, became very upset and refused to associate with Him.Krishna

pleaded with Radharani that since Aristasura was actually a demon in the

disguise of a bull, there was no sin in killing him. Radharani informed Her

beloved Syamasundara that in order to purify Himself from cow-killing, He would

have to take His bath in all the holy places of the universe and then only would

She associate with Him again. Krishna agreed to Radharani’s proposal, but

instead of taking the trouble of traveling to all the holy places in the

universe to take bath, Krishna informed Her that He would instead call all the

holy places in the universe to Vrindavana.Striking His heel into the ground,

Krishna made a very large impression and then called all the holy places of the

universe to pour their sacred waters in to the newly-made kunda.One by one all

the holy places arrived in their personified forms. Offering their prayers to

Krishna they all poured their waters into the kunda and filled it up. Just to

please Radharani, Krishna took His bath in the newly formed kunda that then

became celebrated as Syama-kunda. Exhibiting transcendental arrogance in having

created such a beautiful pond, filled with the sacred waters of all the holy

places in the universe, Krishna began teasing Radharani and the gopis. He said

that because they were only simple village girls they must have never performed

any religious duties in this world for the pleasure of the demigods. Krishna

also informed them that because they sided with the demon Aristasura, in the

form of a bull, they would have to share the sin of cow-killing, and must also

take bath to purify themselves.Feeling the pinch of Krishna’s joking words,

Radharani suddenly exhibited Her transcendental anger and seeing a deep

impression of Aristasura’s hoof print nearby, broke one of Her bangles and

using it as a digging instrument, started to dig in the soft earth. Upon seeing

this, the gopis also broke their bangles and started digging. Within a short

time a large kunda had been created right next to Syama-kunda.Krishna was

amazed to see the large pond that Radharani and the gopis had created and made

an offer to Radharani that the sacred waters from His kunda could also fill

Hers. Radharani flatly refused Krishna’s offer, saying that the waters of

Syama-kunda were now contaminated due to the sin of cow-killing. She further

said that Her many girlfriends would form a line and bring pure waters of the

Manasi-ganga in golden pots to fill her kunda.Upon hearing the words of Srimati

Radharani, the holy places personified approached Her with folded hands and

while chanting beautiful prayers in glorification, humbly asked Her to grant

them a boon. Radharani inquired what kind of boon they desired. The holy places

personified informed Her that their lives could only be successful if they were

allowed to pour their sacred waters into Her kunda also. Being ever

compassionate to all those who sincerely approach Her, Radharani while glancing

at Syamasundara through the corners of Her eyes, happily agreed to their

proposal. In a joyous mood the holy places personified forcibly broke through

the banks of Syama-kunda and poured their sacred waters into

Radha-kunda.Krishna then immediately took bath in Radha-kunda and declared that

henceforth, anyone who with firm faith took a bath on that day in Radha-kunda,

would achieve the same ecstatic love that Radharani had for Him. Radharani and

Her girlfriends then took bath in Syama-kunda. Radharani declared that anyone

who takes bath in Syama-kunda would achieve the same ecstatic love that Krishna

has for Her.This pastime occurred at 11:45 pm on the eighth day of the waning

moon in the auspicious month of Kartika. Each year on this day, thousands of

devotees flock to Radha-kunda for the ardha-ratri-snana (midnight bath). First

they bathe in Syama-kunda and then again in Radha-kunda. This festival, held on

the appearance day of Radha-kunda is known as Bahulastami. Radha-kunda is the

only place in the world where a holy bath is taken at midnight.


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