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quoted by Srila Sanatana Gosvami in his Hari-bhakti Vilasa

(the standard lawbook for all Gaudiya Vaisnavas)


If one neglects to perform the Kartika Vrata all his pious

merits amassed in the passed are burned to ashes; his study

of the Vedas becomes futile; and his performance of japa,

charity, and austerity becomes fruitless.

Glories of Kartika Vrata-Kartik is the best, the purest of

purifiers, and most glorious of all months. Kartika month

is particularly dear to Lord Sri Krsna. This month is full

of bhakta vatsalya. Any vrata, even the smallest, will

yield huge results. The effect of performing a Kartika

Vrata lasts for one hundred lifetimes, whereas ordinary

vratas only last for one lifetime! As Krsna says in Gita

that He is the month of Nov-Dev, similarly, Srimati Radhika

is the holy month of Kartik which precedes His month. Rupa

Gosvami and others refer to Radharani as the Kartika-devata

or Kartika Devi, in other words, Radhika is the goddess or

presiding Deity of the Kartika Vrata.

Daily Offer-tulsi arotik, ghee lamp to Krsna and sing

Damodarastakam, bathe in Yamuna if possible, give charity

to pure devotees.

Dont Eat: grains given by others, honey, sesame seeds,

oils, hing, eggplant, loki, tasty foods like sweets and

fried foods, samosas, pakoras.

Dont Do: cut hair, nails, use things of others, criticize

Vaisnavas, Vedas or anyone, no oil on body, do not find

faults in others or be envious.

Prayer before beginning: "O gopikas! By your mercy may

Radha and Krsna be pleased with my Kartika Vrata."

Benefits Observing Kartik Vrata: All sins flee from the

heart. Perform other vratas one hundred times not equal to

one performance of Kartik Vrata. All the holy places will

live within your body. Proper performance of Kartik Vrata

gives one a million times the result of chanting mantras,

do yatras and other types of vratas. Those who worship

Damodara in Vrndavana even once easily attain Krsna bhakti.

Dhruva Maharaja attained Hari darsana by worshiping Krsna

in Mathura during the Kartika month.

Summary of How to Follow the Kartika Vrata:

Remember--Kartika Vrata is a special time to worship Radha

Damodara, and especially get the mercy of Radhika, since it

is Her month, and She is very very easily pleased this

month if one worships Her along with Her beloved Damodara.

Srila Prabhupada on When to Start Kartika Vrata: "In

Vrndavana we should have Kartika Vrata, Urja Vrata, for one

month beginning on Ekadasi (Pasanukusa) (Srila Prabhupada

Tape 10/6/72)

Pasanukusa Ekadasi Morning: Offer prayer-"O Janardana, O

Damodara, O Devesa who are accompanied by Radhika. During

the month of Kartika, I will bathe early every morning for

Your satisfaction."

1. Rise early every day by Brahma Muhurta, bathe, chant

japa offer Mangala Arotik

2. Hear Srimad Bhagavatam, especially Radha and Krsna

pastimes in Vrndavana, daily in association of exalted

Vaisnavas, if possible. By regularly reading Srimad

Bhagavatam during Kartika month, one gets the benefit of

reading all the eighteen 18 Puranas. All other duties

should be given up in favor of hearing the scriptures from

sadhus during this month.

3. Chant continually in japa and kirtan, Krsna nama, do

extra rounds and more kirtana with family.

Must maintain celibacy for entire month

Give up favorite food article for entire month (sweets,

salties) Try to eat only once in a day. *if you can do and

carry on ordinary works*

Eat your meals only on palasa leaves (if possible, will

give tremendous punya.)

No oil on body and NO EATING honey, eggplant, portal,

pickles, red rajma beans, or sesame seeds, or urad dahl (no


Daily sing the Damodarastakam, meditating on meaning

Daily offer a ghee lamp to Krsna Deity or photo (no need of

picture of Mother Yasoda-Damodara or photo)

Daily offer arotik and prayers to Tulsi devi praying for

eternal residence in Vrndavana and eternal service of the

lotus feet of Radha and Krsna.

Daily chant the Radha-krpa katakasam, and Krsna krpa

kataksam in Giti Guccha songbook

Also chant other prayers to Radha and Radha Krsna Yugala

from the Giti Guccha songbook

ON Ekadasi, Dvadasis, and Purnima chant the one-thousand

names of Radha

On the three Ekadasis in Kartik try to observe Nirjala

Vrata and stay awake chanting hari nam, especially on the

last one, Uttana Ekadasi, when Lord Visnu and all the

demigods awake after four months slumber.

Donate charity to pure devotees

Offer special nice foods to Krsna for entire month. For

example every day make sweet rice,(khira) which is the

favorite food of Krsna.

BAHULASTAMI BATH IN Radha KUNDA- "Anyone who bathes in

Radha-kunda on Bahulastami becomes a dear devotee of Lord

Krsna, because this act highly pleases Him."


BREAKING THE Kartika Vrata FAST: After sunrise and within

the paran breaking period on the Dvadasi day after Uttana

Ekadasi (if you started your Kartik Vrata on Pasanukusa

Ekadasi),-offer arotik to Krsna and dedicate your vrata to

Radha and Krsna for Their pleasure, worship the Vaisnava

brahmanas by offering them presents plus a prasadam feast

including the items that you fasted from during Kartika

(sweets, milk products etc.) After honoring the brahmanas

then break your Kartika Vrata fast by honoring the foods

you abstained from (such as urad dahl, sweets, or whatever

items.) Chant Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare and Radhe Radhe

Govinda, Govinda Radhe.....and taste the sweet feeling of

spending the entire month absorbed in pleasing Radha and

Krsna. Jai Srila Prabhupada!





On the eighth day of the waning phase of the damodara month

the appearance day of Radha Kunda is celebrated by the

residents. Bathing in Radha Kunda is especially benefical

on this day. By this one gains the favor of Radha, by which

one gains the favor of Krsna. Radha Kunda appeared at

midnight. People go to Radha Kunda and offer prasadam,

garlands and pumkins (gords) into the water, then at

midnight take bath in Radha Kunda and then bathe in Syama

Kunda. Many people like to bathe at a ghat where Lord

Nityananda's sakti, Jahnava Mata used to bathe. But

wherever you go you better get there early as thousands of

people/devotees will be there. And bring some warm clothing

for afterwards, as it is sooooo "cooling".

The holy place known as Mathura is spiritually

superior to Vaikuntha, the transcendental world, because

the Lord appeared there. Superior to Mathura puri is the

transcendental forest of Vrndavana because of Krsna's

rasalila pastimes. And superior to the forest of Vrndavana

is Goverdhana Hill, for it was raised by the divine hand of

Sri Krsna and was the site of his various loving pastimes.

And, above all, the superexcellent Sri Radha Kunda stands

supreme, for it is overflooded with the ambrosial nectarean

prema of the Lord of gokula, Sri Krsna. Where, then, is

that intelligent person who is unwilling to serve this

divine Radha Kunda, which is situated at the foot of

Goverdhana Hill?

Vivek Devarajan

[vivek.devarajan (AT) wipro (DOT) com]11 October 2003 12:07To:

achintyaSubject: RE: MONTH OF KARTIK or DAMODARA

Hare Krishna,

Does anyone have a compilation of the glories of the karthika month

and the benefits of offering a lamp to Lord Krishna in this month ?


Thanks in advance!



samdas (AT) juno (DOT) com [samdas (AT) juno (DOT) com] Sent:

Friday, October 10, 2003 9:42 PMachintyaSubject:

MONTH OF KARTIK or DAMODARADear Devotees, Yesterday

Oct 9 ( Full Moon ) marked thebeginning of Damodara month. During this month it

is all auspicious torecite the SRI DAMODARASTAKA prayers to Lord Damodara or

Baby KRSNAevery evening. The Vrata may begin on the purnima or samkranti when

thesun enters the house of Libra. Please light a

candle or lamp in front of LordDamodara in the evening each day and repeat the

following SriDAMODARASTAKA for the entire month. To from this

group, send an email to:achintyaAchintya Homepage:

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