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Civilization: working like an ass to become a pig

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Prabhupada: So the whole civilization at the present moment they want to

live like pig, and to live like pig they are working like an ass. And that

is civilization, working like ass to become a pig. You tell them!


Harikesa: They will get very angry.


Prabhupada: Angry... With shoes. We beat them with shoes that "You have

created a civilization to work like ass, and ideal is to become a pig. What

is this civilization? Sva-vid-varahostra-kharaih samstutah puru... And for

their votes you become a president. What you are better than a pig? A pig

votes for another pig, big pig. That's all. How people will be happy?"


Harikesa: You told them that in South Africa.


Prabhupada: But they clapped. any sane man will appreciate our, this Krsna

consciousness movement. These are very strong words, that "You have created

a civilization of pig, and for making perfect that civilization you are

working like ass." So what is the advancement? A ass is trying to become a

pig. What is that civilization? The ideal is to become a pig, and for that,

fulfillment of that idea, they are working like ass. Is it not? Just see.

Think over.


This is the fact. Therefore Bhagavata says, sva-vid-varahostra-kharaih

samstutah purusah pasuh. They are very much proud: "I have got ninety-nine

percent votes and I have become President." But what you are? You are

another big pig only. Who has voted you? The voters are pigs and asses and

camel and dogs. So if these animal vote for somebody, then what he is? Is

there... Are... Their votes are calculable at all? Votes by the dogs, pigs,

camels, and... sva-vid-varaha. Sva-vid-varahostra-khara, and asses. So what

is the value of these votes? And that is going on, democracy.


If one is not Krsna conscious, he's nothing but animal. So if other small

animals praise him, "Oh, you are..." This Gandhi or Indira Gandhi or, and

the Hitler and... What is the value? He's a big animal, that's all.


Harikesa: You were saying in Vrndavana they tweak each other's ear.

Churchill was tweaking the ear of Hitler, and Hitler was tweaking... Like in

school the two children.


Jayapataka: Yesterday you mentioned to the secretary that the members of

legislature should all be Vaisnavas. They should all be Brahmana-vaisnava.

Then they could give true advice.


Prabhupada: Yes. What is this nonsense asses and pigs and dogs and cats?

What they will do?


Jayapataka: One goal we could have is that they would pass a law that no one

could be a member of a legislature who didn't follow the four regulative



Prabhupada: Who will do that? That can be possible if you spread Krsna

consciousness movement very widely and they become convinced that "We shall

not vote anyone to these rascals. We must have a Vaisnava." Then everything

will be changed. That is the only opportunity, that if people become

Vaisnava and they decide that "We are not going to vote anyone who is not a

Vaisnava," then everything will be all right.


Tamala Krsna: Sometimes the devotees question that the Kali-yuga is

advancing, and in that sense the standards are deteriorating. Yet you are

preaching that "Get everyone to the position where everyone is Krsna

conscious." How in the Kali-yuga advancing can everyone become Krsna



Prabhupada: They do not understand. If I say, "The epidemic is increasing.

You take this injection, then you can be saved. If you don't take

vaccination, then you'll suffer." This is our propaganda. "You take this

vaccination; you'll be saved. The epidemic is very strong." But if you

think, "Now, because there is epidemic there is no other way. What is the

use of taking vaccination?" This is no argument. The epidemic is there; the

vaccination is there. (aside:) This is tulasi? Tell them. The disease is

there; the medicine is there. So intelligent man should take the medicine,

precaution, and then he'll be saved. Two things are there. Kalau nasty eva

nasty eva gatir anyatha. In Kali-yuga, if you don't take this, then there is

no means of your safety.


I.just study yourself, whether it is not the civilization of asses and pigs.

You have to understand first of all. Is it not? They are working hard like

an ass just to become an ideal pig. Is it not this civilization?


Vid-bhujam ye. This is not civilization. This is civilization, tapasya: no

meat-eating, no this, no this, that, and become perfect, ideal brahmana

life, satya sama dama suci jnana vijnana. This is civilization. Athato

brahma-jijnasa. Unless you become civilized like this, there is no

opportunity of brahma-jijnasa. And so long you do not inquire about Brahman,

that you remain, that pigs and hogs and asses. If human civilization is

wasted to cultivate the pig civilization, naturally, "All right, you come

here. Become a pig now. Take this body." Krsna will say, "Nature, prakrti,

he got this chance to become human being, but has misused. Kindly give him a

body of pig."


isvarah sarva-bhütanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati

bhramayan sarva-bhütani yantrarüdhani mayaya


Then you get this yantra, how you can become perfect pig, whole day and

night eat stool, and as soon as you get another opposite party, have sex.

Doesn't matter whether it is daughter or mother or sister. That's all. Take

Freud's philosophy and become highly advanced in civilization. Now the

Freud's philosophy is being translated in Hindi and so many other languages.

We are advancing in civilization, Indians. They are translating this Freud's

philosophy, pig civilization. People therefore do not come to us. (chuckles)

They avoid us because "They are not pigs."


Harikesa: Pigs don't like to live in a clean house.


Prabhupada: Yes. There is a story in Bhagavata that Indra was cursed to

become a pig. So after some time there was mismanagement in the heavenly

kingdom. Brahma personally came, "Indra, anyway, you became pig. Now you

come with me.Huh? How can I go? I have got so much responsibility." Then

he was killed and took to heaven. So any life, any abominable condition,

everyone is thinking, "I am perfect." This is called maya. Any abominable

condition, he is thinking, everyone is thinking, that "I am perfect. I have

nothing to advance." This is called maya. They do not know what is

perfection. Na te viduh svartha-gatim hi visnum. The ideal perfection they

do not know. They are trying that "We shall make this pig life adjusted to

civilized life." Is it possible? Pig life and adjusting to civilized life?

Hare Krsna. So we shall get down? (break) Nobody will accept. But if you

explain that "You are no better than pigs and hogs and asses," then they

will accept. So we have to take the idea from Bhagavata and explain it for

their understanding. That is wanted. (break) People are working so hard. Is

it pleasure? But why they are working? They are working with the only hope

that "Night, I shall go home, eat nicely and have sex with my wife." That's

all. Yan maithunadi-grhamedhi-sukham hi tuccham. Otherwise why they will

work so hard? Hare Krsna.


Prabhupada: Yes, if you remain animal. But that is not the ideal, that you

remain animal. That is culture. If you want to remain animal, then it is all

right. If you want to remain pig, you eat whatever you like. But if you

don't want to remain a pig, then you have got to make discrimination. You

have to take krsna-prasada. Because it is Bhagavatam, it is written that one

animal is food for another animal. That is for the animal. And I have

already said that this Vedic civilization is meant for making the animal a

perfect person.



>From Morning Walks, January 22, 1976 (and January 23, 1976), Mayapura

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