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interpretation on the holy

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One of the ten offences against the holly name is "To give some

interpretation on the holy name of the Lord". What is considered an

interpretation on the holy name? Can someone give an example for

such an interpretation? Why is that an offence?

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You have asked a very important question but it is not that

difficult to answer . Here is my perspective and I will be concise: In

the Bhakti Raramrita Sindhu you have read that there are ten kind of

offences against the chanting of the holy name, the sixth offence is your




NAME OF THE LORD." It preciously means what it said, that is one should

NOT make up their own explanation of the meaning of the holy name. A good

example is the second offence and that is " TO CONSIDER THE NAMES OF DEMI


NAME OF LORD VISNU." If any body does that then they have manufactured

their own interpretation and have immediately become a very serious

offender. I hope this help. I am your servant, Ashokamrita.

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Dear Omer,


The holy name is spiritual, and it is non-different from Lord Krishna.

Now, we have a material body which uses a material mind and senses to

acquire and interpret knowledge. How then can material agents such as

these be used to understand spiritual attributes and glories? That can

never be the case! So, we need to do two things: a) spiritualize the

senses, mind, intelligence and ego by using them in Lord Krishna's

service, and b) not to interpret or speculate about the Lord, His Names,

form, pastimes, etc. Once the senses become spiritualized, knowledge

about the glories of the Name are revealed within the heart

automatically by the grace of the spiritual master (divya jnana hrde

prokasito). This knowledge (which is realized knowledge) is very

difficult, nay impossible, to convey to others by the use of words or

thoughts IF the agents that we use ( to carry the knowledge about the

glories of the holy name) are NOT spiritual. If we try to convey that

knowledge anyway using our frog-in-the-well mentality and condition,

then we fall short of glorifying the holy names -- indeed the opposite

effect then is true as our material concepts of the holy name are deeply

offensive at the lotus feet of the Lord. You ask for an example -- and

here is one: "if I chant the holy name, I shall receive punya". False!

What has punya, which is to do with this material world, got to do with

the spiritual realm of the holy Names of the Lord? Punya and papa are

just material credits and debits that entangle us in this material world

of re-incarnation, and our aim is to be free of both punya and papa, our

aim is to be liberated from these material things, our aim is to serve

the lotus feet of the devotees of Radha Krishna in that liberated state!


Your servant in Srila Prabhupada's service,





achintya wrote:



>Message: 2

> Fri, 24 Oct 2003 01:06:01 -0000

> "Omer" <kligman

>interpretation on the holy


>One of the ten offences against the holly name is "To give some

>interpretation on the holy name of the Lord". What is considered an

>interpretation on the holy name? Can someone give an example for

>such an interpretation? Why is that an offence?







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