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October 26th, 2003, Sunday

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October 26th, 2003, SundayGovardhana Puja(Worship of Govardhana Hill)Srila

Raghunatha dasa Gosvami'sSri Govardhana-vasa-prarthana-dasakaTen Appeals for

Residence at Govardhana HillText 1nija-pati-bhuja-danoa-chatra-bhavam prapadya


priyam me nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam O Govardhana, O king

of all incomparable great mountains, O hill thatbecame an umbrella with the arm

of your own Lord as the handle and thendestroyed the pride of the deva king

madly attacking with raised weapons,please grant the residence near you that is

so dear to me.Text 2pramada-madana-lilau kandare kandare te racayati

nava-yunor dvandvam asminn amandamiti kila kalanartham lagnakas tad-dvayor me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam O Govardhana, please grant to me

the residence near you that willguarantee the sight of the youthful divine

couple as they enjoy passionateamorous pastimes in your caves.Text

3anupama-mani-vedi-ratna-siahasanorvi- ruha-jhara-dara-sanu-droni-saighenu

raigaiusaha bala-sakhibhiu saikhelayan sva-priyam me nija-nikata-nivasam

dehi govardhana tvam O Govardhana, O hill where Lord Kanna happily plays

with Balarama andHis friends in the incomparable jeweled courtyards, jeweled

lion-thrones,trees, waterfalls, mountain-brooks, caves, peaks, and valleys,

please grantthe residence near you that is so dear to me.Text

4rasa-nidhi-nava-yunou sakninia dana-keler dyuti-parimala-viddham

syama-vedia prakanyarasika-vara-kulanam modam asphalayan me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam O Govardhana, O hill that provides

the dark courtyard that witnessesthe dana-keli pastime of the nectar-treasure

youthful divine couple, O hillthat brings great bliss to the best of they who

relish transcendentalnectar, please grant to me residence near you.Text

5hari-dayitam apurvam radhika-kundam atma- priya-sakham iha kanhhe

narmanaliigya guptaunava-yuva-yuga-khelas tatra pasyan raho me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam O Govardhana, O hill that, hiding

as you playfully embrace the neck ofyour dear friend, Lord Hari's dear,

unprecedented Radha-kunda, secretlygazes at the pastimes of the youthful divine

couple, please grant to meresidence near you.Text 6sthala-jala-tala-sanpair

bhuruha-chayaya ca pratipadam anukalam hanta samvardhayan gautri-jagati

nija-gotram sarthakam khyapayan me nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam

O Govardhana, O hill that by nourishing the cows with its water, grass,and

the shade of its trees declares to the three worlds the appropriatenessof its

own name, please grant to me residence near you.Note: Govardhana means "that

which nourishes (vardhana) the cows (go)."Text 7surapati-kata-dirgha-drohato

gonhha-raknam tava nava-gaha-rupasyantare kurvataivaagha-baka-ripunoccair

datta-mana drutam me nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam O

Govardhana, O hill that the enemy of Agha and Baka honored bytransforming into

a new house to give Vraja protection from the sustainedfury of the sura king,

please grant to me residence near you.Text

8giri-napa-hari-dasa-sreni-varyeti-nama- matam idam uditam

sri-radhika-vaktra-candratvraja-nava-tilakatve klpta-vedaiu sphuham me

nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam O Govardhana, O king of mountains,

O hill whose nectar name "the bestof Lord Hari's servants" flows from the moon

of Sri Radha's mouth, O hillthat the Vedas declare to be the tilaka marking of

Vraja, please grant tome residence near you.Text


vraja-nara-pasu-pakni-vrata-saukhyaika-datauaganita-karunatvan mam uri-katya

tantam nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam O Govardhana, O

philanthropist that gives transcendental happiness toVraja's people, animals,

and birds, all anointed with the nectar offriendship for Sri Sri Radha-Kanna

surrounded by Their friends, out of Yourimmeasurable mercy, please accept

unhappy me and please grant me residencenear you.Text 10nirupadhi-karunena

sri-sacinandanena tvayi kapahi-sahho 'pi tvat-priyenarpito 'smiiti khalu

mama yogyayogyatam mam agahnan nija-nikata-nivasam dehi govardhana tvam

Although I am a cheater and a criminal, unlimitedly merciful LordSacinandana,

who is very dear to you, has given me to you. O Govardhana,please do not

consider whether I am acceptable or not, but simply grant meresidence near

you.Text 11rasada-dasakam asya srila-govardhanasya knitidhara-kula-bhartur

yau prayatnad adhitesa sapadi sukhade 'smin vasam asadya saknac

chubada-yugala-seva-ratnam apnoti turnam One who carefully reads these ten

nectar verses describing SrilaGovardhana, the king of mountains, will very soon

reside near that blissfulhill and quickly attain the precious jewel of the

service to the handsomedivine couple.

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