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kim karma kim akarmeti

kavayo 'py atra mohitah

tat te karma pravaksyami

yaj jnatva moksyase 'subhat




kim--what is; karma--action; kim--what is; akarma--inaction;

iti--thus; kavayah--the intelligent; api--also; atra--in this matter;

mohitah--are bewildered; tat--that; te--unto you; karma--work;

pravaksyami--I shall explain; yat--which; jnatva--knowing;

moksyase--you will be liberated; asubhat--from ill fortune.




Even the intelligent are bewildered in determining what is action and

what is inaction. Now I shall explain to you what action is, knowing

which you shall be liberated from all misfortune.




Action in Krsna consciousness has to be executed in accord with the

examples of previous bona fide devotees. This is recommended in the

15th verse. Why such action should not be independent will be

explained in the text to follow.


To act in Krsna consciousness, one has to follow the leadership of

authorized persons who are in a line of disciplic succession as

explained in the beginning of this chapter. The system of Krsna

consciousness was first narrated to the sun-god, the sun-god explained

it to his son Manu, Manu explained it to his son Iksvaku, and the

system is current on this earth from that very remote time. Therefore,

one has to follow in the footsteps of previous authorities in the line

of disciplic succession. Otherwise even the most intelligent men will

be bewildered regarding the standard actions of Krsna consciousness.

For this reason, the Lord decided to instruct Arjuna in Krsna

consciousness directly. Because of the direct instruction of the Lord

to Arjuna, anyone who follows in the footsteps of Arjuna is certainly

not bewildered.


It is said that one cannot ascertain the ways of religion simply by

imperfect experimental knowledge. Actually, the principles of religion

can only be laid down by the Lord Himself. Dharmam tu saksad


(SB. 6.3.19). No one can manufacture a religious principle by imperfect

speculation. One must follow in the footsteps of great authorities

like Brahma, Siva, Narada, Manu, the Kumaras, Kapila, Prahlada,

Bhisma, Sukadeva Gosvami, Yamaraja, Janaka, and Bali Maharaja. By

mental speculation one cannot ascertain what is religion or

self-realization. Therefore, out of causeless mercy to His devotees,

the Lord explains directly to Arjuna what action is and what inaction

is. Only action performed in Krsna consciousness can deliver a person

from the entanglement of material existence.


Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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