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tyaktva karma-phalasangam

nitya-trpto nirasrayah

karmany abhipravrtto 'pi

naiva kincit karoti sah




tyaktva--having given up; karma-phala-asangam--attachment for fruitive

results; nitya--always; trptah--being satisfied; nirasrayah--without

any shelter; karmani--in activity; abhipravrttah--being fully engaged;

api--in spite of; na--does not; eva--certainly; kincit--anything;

karoti--do; sah--he.




Abandoning all attachment to the results of his activities, ever

satisfied and independent, he performs no fruitive action, although

engaged in all kinds of undertakings.




This freedom from the bondage of actions is possible only in Krsna

consciousness, when one is doing everything for Krsna. A Krsna

conscious person acts out of pure love for the Supreme Personality of

Godhead, and therefore he has no attraction for the results of the

action. He is not even attached to his personal maintenance, for

everything is left to Krsna. Nor is he anxious to secure things, nor

to protect things already in his possession. He does his duty to the

best of his ability and leaves everything to Krsna. Such an unattached

person is always free from the resultant reactions of good and bad; it

is as though he were not doing anything. This is the sign of akarma,

or actions without fruitive reactions. Any other action, therefore,

devoid of Krsna consciousness, is binding upon the worker, and that is

the real aspect of vikarma, as explained hereinbefore.


Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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