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dvandvatito vimatsarah

samah siddhav asiddhau ca

krtvapi na nibadhyate




yadrccha--out of its own accord; labha--with gain;

santustah--satisfied; dvandva--duality; atitah--surpassed;

vimatsarah--free from envy; samah--steady; siddhau--in success;

asiddhau--failure; ca--also; krtva--doing; api--although; na--never;

nibadhyate--becomes affected.




He who is satisfied with gain which comes of its own accord, who is

free from duality and does not envy, who is steady in both success and

failure, is never entangled, although performing actions.




A Krsna conscious person does not make much endeavor even to maintain

his body. He is satisfied with gains which are obtained of their own

accord. He neither begs nor borrows, but he labors honestly as far as

is in his power, and is satisfied with whatever is obtained by his own

honest labor. He is therefore independent in his livelihood. He does

not allow anyone's service to hamper his own service in Krsna

consciousness. However, for the service of the Lord he can participate

in any kind of action without being disturbed by the duality of the

material world. The duality of the material world is felt in terms of

heat and cold, or misery and happiness. A Krsna conscious person is

above duality because he does not hesitate to act in any way for the

satisfaction of Krsna. Therefore he is steady both in success and in

failure. These signs are visible when one is fully in transcendental



Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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