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Why are there differences amongst Vaishanavs ?

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Haribol Dear Sumeet

The differences are actually factual. Variegatedness is a characteristic

of the spiritual realm. The lord being worshipped in all opulence and reverence

as Narayana at Vaikuntha is as factual as He being worshipped in a mood of

friendly/paternal/conjugal devotional service at Goloka Vrindavana. Obviously

the rules which apply at the palace do not hold good at the grazing ground.

Different acharyas have proclivity to different types of relationships with the

Supreme Lord and hence the apparent difference. This also caters to the

different souls with different svarupa.


Your servant


sumeet1981 [sumeet1981 ]Sent:

Sunday, November 23, 2003 6:54 AMachintyaSubject:

Why are there differences amongst Vaishanavs ?Hare Krishna,The above

question has always bewildered me. Can someone throw more light on a

possible/plausible answer.Your Servant Always,Sumeet.To from this

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achintya, "Kizhakkemadam, Sriram N (MED)"

<sriram.kizhakkemadam@m...> wrote:

> Haribol Dear Sumeet

> The differences are actually factual. Variegatedness is a

characteristic of the spiritual realm. The lord being worshipped in

all opulence and reverence as Narayana at Vaikuntha is as factual as

He being worshipped in a mood of friendly/paternal/conjugal

devotional service at Goloka Vrindavana. Obviously the rules which

apply at the palace do not hold good at the grazing ground.

Different acharyas have proclivity to different types of

relationships with the Supreme Lord and hence the apparent

difference. This also caters to the different souls with different



> Your servant

> k.n.sriram


Hare Krishna Sriram ji


All that i understand well. Let me be more specific now:


" Real knowledge is nothing but knowledge of one's relationship to

the Absolute. Real knowledge is identical with the knowledge of

subjective natures of cit (animate), acit (inanimate) and Krsna and

of their mutual relationship. " [brahma Samhita Text 58 commentary]


All this is differently understood in schools of Vaishnavism.

Consequently we have Dvaita, Vishisthadvaita, Achintya bheda abheda,

Suddha advaita and dvaitadvaita philosophies. I want to know whats

the cause of such difference ? Each sampradya emphasizes on pure

devotion then why such differences in appropriate knowledge.


Madhva propagated dvaita philosophy because he wasn't satisfied with

Ramanuja totally, though both philosophy are theistic in origin and

aim at same Supreme Person and stresses on devotion/surrender to

Lord Krishna.


The difference between such philosophies doesn't seems to be due to

atma-svarupa bheda. What is the cause of such difference ? Why does

one person who is free from 4 defects of human being is disagreeing

with the second person who is also supposedly free from the same 4

defects ? Nor any reconcilation of the divergent views is possible.


Hence again I ask whats the cause ?



Your Servant Always


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Hare Krishna,



The above question has always bewildered me. Can

someone throw more

light on a possible/plausible answer.




That all really depends on what "differences" you are

speaking of; but factually, everyone is an individual

and thus we all have our individual opinions.









Gour Govinda Katha - gourgovindakatha/






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Hari Bol All,


Please accept my Humble Obeisances.


Though, I may not be able to support my views with examples from authorized

texts, I still wish to take some courage in answering this question.


I feel that the answer to this question lies in the answer to the question,

why there is some much variegatedness in this world.


Hope you all know the answer to this question.


This whole world has so much variety, that if there were no common

philosophy like Krishna Consciousness, there would have been lot of

confusion in understanding things.


Atleast, we are in so much a better position, than other vedanta

philosophers, because, by Lord Krishnas grace, we all have so much of

clarity in understanding things.


By Again Krishnas mercy, all of us have been able to understand the Absolute

Truth in our own realm and manner.


Now, the only answer to the question, "why there is so much of variety in

this world ?" is Krishna likes variety.


"The entire creation of this world is nothing but a spark of my

splendour " Krishna tells Arjuna in the BG.


So from this we can understand that, whatever creation which Krishna has

created in this world, even if it were the Great Vaishnava Acharyas, he has

manifested variety in thinking and understanding.


Only because the acharyas thought differently, today we are able to enjoy

arguing from the achinta beda abeda point of view.


So in short, I would say that, it is all a leela of the Supreme Lord.


He wanted his philosophy to be taught by the purest devotee. So he has

created so much of confusion, and sent his purest devotee, Srila Prabhupada,

to clear all these doubts.


So whatever possible confusion, Madhavacharya, Ramanujacharya,

Shankaracharya.. Jesus, Buddha or Allah have created in the past, may not be

really a confusion... but different views of the Absolute Truth.


But only after reading Srila Prabhupadas books, have we been able to

understand the commonness in all these philosophies.


After understanding the Absolute Truth, by His Divine Grace, the only thing

which we can do is to praise the Supreme Lord, for his Variegatedness..


Hari Bol,

Yours Humble Servant,

Anand Gopalan








11/26/03 7:01 AM

Re: Why are there differences amongst Vaishanavs ?


Hare Krishna,



The above question has always bewildered me. Can

someone throw more

light on a possible/plausible answer.




That all really depends on what "differences" you are

speaking of; but factually, everyone is an individual

and thus we all have our individual opinions.









Gour Govinda Katha - gourgovindakatha/






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