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very difficult to reform rascals

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Either Christian, Mohammedan or Hindu, so-called. All of them have become

rascal. That's all. This is Kali-yuga. Mandah sumanda-matayah. They have

created their own imaginary religious principle, and therefore they are

condemned. They do not know. Adanta-gobhir visatam tamisram punah punas

carvita-carvananam [sB 7.5.30]. The life, the aim of life is to realize God.

This is human life. But they are so much embarrassed with this

uncontrollable senses that they are going to the darkest region of material

existence. Adanta-gobhih. Adanta means uncontrolled. They cannot control the

senses. They have become so unfortunate that simple thing, little effort,

little austerity, to control the senses. The yoga process means to control

the senses. Yoga does not mean that you show some magic. The magic, magician

also can show magic. We have seen one magician, he created immediately so

much coins -- tung tung tung tung. Next moment it is all finished. So the

life, they're missing the aim of life. Mandah sumanda-matayah. Why?

Manda-bhagyah. They are unfortunate. So you take it for granted. We are

trying, even our Krsna consciousness mission, we are trying to awaken. Still

they are so unfortunate they cannot give up sense gratification. So

unfortunate. Condemned, unfortunate. Repeatedly we are spending our gallons

of blood -- "Don't do this" -- still they are doing. Cannot give up even

sleeping. So condemned. Kali-yuga. Mandah sumanda-matayah.


So it is very difficult with these rascals. Very, very difficult. Therefore

my Guru Maharaja's Guru Maharaja, Gaura Kisora dasa Babaji Maharaja, they

were not preaching. They were disgusted that "I have no power to reform

these rascals. Better don't bother. Let them go to hell. At least... Let

them." But still, my Guru Maharaja preached. He was so kind. And he asked us

also to do the same thing. But it is very, very difficult job. People are so

rascal, so condemned, so sinful. It is very, very difficult to raise them.

Very difficult. Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah [sB 1.1.10].

So only those who are very fortunate, they will understand that "I am

eternal," avinasi, "I am imperishable. I am put into this condition of

perishable condition due to this my material body." So how to get out of it?

They have no ambition. Just like dogs and cats. Simply sense gratification.


>>> Ref. VedaBase => Bhagavad-gita 2.17 -- London, August 23, 1973

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