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for Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's Disappearance day

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Now I have resolved all my doubts simply by meeting you, for Your Lordship

has very kindly and clearly explained the duty of a king who desires to

protect his subjects.



Manu described herewith the result of seeing a great saintly person. Lord

Caitanya says that one should always try to associate with saintly persons

because if one establishes a proper association with a saintly person, even

for a moment, one attains all perfection. Somehow or other, if one meets a

saintly person and achieves his favor, then the entire mission of one's

human life is fulfilled. In our personal experience we have actual proof of

this statement of Manu. Once we had the opportunity to meet Visnupada Sri

Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja, and on first sight he

requested this humble self to preach his message in the Western countries.

There was no preparation for this, but somehow or other he desired it, and

by his grace we are now engaged in executing his order, which has given us a

transcendental occupation and has saved and liberated us from the occupation

of material activities. Thus it is actually a fact that if one meets a

saintly person completely engaged in transcendental duties and achieves his

favor, then one's life mission becomes complete. What is not possible to

achieve in thousands of lives can be achieved in one moment if there is an

opportunity to meet a saintly person. It is therefore enjoined in Vedic

literature that one should always try to associate with saintly persons and

try to disassociate oneself from the common man, because by one word of a

saintly person one can be liberated from material entanglement. A saintly

person has the power, because of his spiritual advancement, to give

immediate liberation to the conditioned soul. Here Manu admits that all his

doubts are now over because Kardama has very kindly described the different

duties of individual souls.


>>> Ref. VedaBase => SB 3.22.5

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