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kayena manasa buddhya

kevalair indriyair api

yoginah karma kurvanti

sangam tyaktvatma-suddhaye




kayena--with the body; manasa--with the mind; buddhya--with the

intelligence; kevalaih--purified; indriyaih--with the senses;

api--even; yoginah--Krsna conscious persons; karma--actions;

kurvanti--they perform; sangam--attachment; tyaktva--giving up;

atma--of the self; suddhaye--for the purpose of purification.




The yogis, abandoning attachment, act with body, mind, intelligence

and even with the senses, only for the purpose of purification.




When one acts in Krsna consciousness for the satisfaction of the

senses of Krsna, any action, whether of the body, mind, intelligence

or even the senses, is purified of material contamination. There are

no material reactions resulting from the activities of a Krsna

conscious person. Therefore purified activities, which are generally

called sad-acara, can be easily performed by acting in Krsna

consciousness. Sri Rupa Gosvami in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.

187) describes this as follows:


iha yasya harer dasye

karmana manasa gira

nikhilasv apy avasthasu

jivan-muktah sa ucyate


"A person acting in Krsna consciousness (or, in other words, in the service

of Krsna) with his body, mind, intelligence and words is a liberated

person even within the material world, although he may be engaged in

many so-called material activities." He has no false ego, for he does

not believe that he is this material body, or that he possesses the

body. He knows that he is not this body and that this body does not

belong to him. He himself belongs to Krsna, and the body too belongs

to Krsna. When he applies everything produced of the body, mind,

intelligence, words, life, wealth, etc.--whatever he may have within

his possession--to Krsna's service, he is at once dovetailed with

Krsna. He is one with Krsna and is devoid of the false ego that leads

one to believe that he is the body, etc. This is the perfect stage of

Krsna consciousness.


Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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