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yada hi nendriyarthesu

na karmasv anusajjate


yogarudhas tadocyate




yada--when; hi--certainly; na--not; indriya-arthesu--in sense

gratification; na--never; karmasu--in fruitive activities;

anusajjate--one necessarily engages; sarva-sankalpa--of all material

desires; sannyasi--renouncer; yoga-arudhah--elevated in yoga; tada--at

that time; ucyate--is said to be.




A person is said to be elevated in yoga when, having renounced all

material desires, he neither acts for sense gratification nor engages

in fruitive activities.




When a person is fully engaged in the transcendental loving service of

the Lord, he is pleased in himself, and thus he is no longer engaged

in sense gratification or in fruitive activities. Otherwise, one must

be engaged in sense gratification, since one cannot live without

engagement. Without Krsna consciousness, one must be always seeking

self-centered or extended selfish activities. But a Krsna conscious

person can do everything for the satisfaction of Krsna and thereby be

perfectly detached from sense gratification. One who has no such

realization must mechanically try to escape material desires before

being elevated to the top rung of the yoga ladder.


Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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