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sarva-bhuta-stham atmanam

sarva-bhutani catmani

iksate yoga-yuktatma

sarvatra sama-darsanah




sarva-bhuta-stham--situated in all beings; atmanam--the Supersoul;

sarva--all; bhutani--entities; ca--also; atmani--in the self;

iksate--does see; yoga-yukta-atma--one who is dovetailed in Krsna

consciousness; sarvatra--everywhere; sama-darsanah--seeing equally.




A true yogi observes Me in all beings and also sees every being in Me.

Indeed, the self-realized person sees Me, the same Supreme Lord,





A Krsna conscious yogi is the perfect seer because he sees Krsna, the

Supreme, situated in everyone's heart as Supersoul (Paramatma).

Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati. The Lord in His

Paramatma feature is situated within both the heart of the dog and

that of a brahmana. The perfect yogi knows that the Lord is eternally

transcendental and is not materially affected by His presence in

either a dog or a brahmana. That is the supreme neutrality of the

Lord. The individual soul is also situated in the individual heart,

but he is not present in all hearts. That is the distinction between

the individual soul and the Supersoul. One who is not factually in the

practice of yoga cannot see so clearly. A Krsna conscious person can

see Krsna in the heart of both the believer and the nonbeliever. In

the smrti this is confirmed as follows: atatatvac ca matrtvac ca atma

hi paramo harih. The Lord, being the source of all beings, is like the

mother and the maintainer. As the mother is neutral to all different

kinds of children, the supreme father (or mother) is also.

Consequently the Supersoul is always in every living being.


Outwardly, also, every living being is situated in the energy of the

Lord. As will be explained in the Seventh Chapter, the Lord has,

primarily, two energies--the spiritual (or superior) and the material

(or inferior). The living entity, although part of the superior

energy, is conditioned by the inferior energy; the living entity is

always in the Lord's energy. Every living entity is situated in Him in

one way or another.


The yogi sees equally because he sees that all living entities,

although in different situations according to the results of fruitive

work, in all circumstances remain the servants of God. While in the

material energy, the living entity serves the material senses; and

while in spiritual energy, he serves the Supreme Lord directly. In

either case the living entity is the servant of God. This vision of

equality is perfect in a person in Krsna consciousness.


Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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