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Another instance of discrimination between forms of Krishna 18.65 purport

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Hare Krishna



Kindly look below:


"These words stress that one should concentrate his mind upon Krsna--

the very form with two hands carrying a flute, the bluish boy with a

beautiful face and peacock feathers in His hair. There are

descriptions of Krsna found in the Brahma-samhita and other

literatures. One should fix his mind on this original form of

Godhead, Krsna. He should not even divert his attention to other

forms of the Lord. The Lord has multi-forms as Visnu, Narayana,

Rama, Varaha, etc., but a devotee should concentrate his mind on the

form that was present before Arjuna."


Why is there discrimination between forms of krishna and bhakti to

them in purports of Srila Prabhupada ?


In Gaudiya theory it is well known fact that everyone worships

according to their suddha atma svarupa. Rasa is determined by the

real nature of ones atma svarupa. It is different for all of us and

it is at the same time intrinsic to all of us. By us i mean our

eternal souls.


The very nature of Rasa is that soul is filled with great bliss and

is fully satisfied by following its own nature. Hanuman doesn't

cares about whether he is closer to Sri Rama or mother Sita. Hanuman

is not bothered about sweet pastimes of Sri Krishna no matter

whatever Krishna may do........ because he is fully content with his

own svarupa anukula bhakti to Sri Rama.


Such being the truth why instructions like these are present in SPs

gita bhasya. Because to the devotees of other forms of Lord this

instruction will outrightly appear repungant. And indeed it is

utterly repungant.


The difference between different forms of Lord and different rasas

can be analysed from a ***neutral position*** to be more excellent

than the other. But from point of view of a mukta or sadhak of

suddha bhakti, his own bhakti is the best and his own ishta devata

is the best[Purushottama]. That is the very nature of rasa, it

fullfills one with greatest possible ecstasy and satisfaction. He

will hardly care about such instructions on the other hand find them



And also in Sastra there is no specific intstruction saying that one

should only worship Sri Krishna to the exclusion of other forms.


Lord Krishna being perfect and omniscient, why will he convey such

meaning when he clearly knows any given jivatma will follow their

own Svarupa and hence instructing ***people in general*** to worship

His form in exclusion to His other forms is meaningless advice or




Your Servant Always,


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I also wanted to see some discussion of this. However, lacking time

to participate in this discussion, I had to table it for now. For the

time being I just wanted to say one thing in regards to a statement

that was just brought to my attention:


achintya, "sumeet1981" <sumeet1981> wrote:


> Such being the truth why instructions like these are present in SPs

> gita bhasya. Because to the devotees of other forms of Lord this

> instruction will outrightly appear repungant. And indeed it is

> utterly repungant.


I think this last sentence, and others similar to it, are getting

overboard. While I can understand impatience to get answers, no one

will be likely to respond when you make such blatantly impolite



Perhaps this sort of intensity arouse because the question has been

nagging you for some time. However, realize that no matter how

aggressively you seek answers here, this is ultimately not a forum of

scholars, but rather a forum of people (like yourself) who for the

most part are students and trying to learn as you are doing. If you

want solid answers, you should probably consult a senior devotee in

ISKCON or the Gaudiya Math, and/or refer to puurvaachaaryas'

commentaries on that same verse. Failing to find someone who can

answer your question, the best thing is to keep looking for someone

with the knowledge to explain it properly.


I also confess I probably skimmed this posting rather than reading it

as carefully as I should have before approving it. I will have to be

more diligent in the future to make sure Achintya stays pleasant.





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All Glories from Sri Sri Guru & Gaurangasumeet1981

<sumeet1981 > wrote:

>And also in Sastra there is no specific intstruction saying that one >should

only worship Sri Krishna to the exclusion of other forms.Srila Rupa Goswami, in

LB quotes the Svayambhuva Agama & defines how the 14 syllable Gopala Mantra

describes the Form of Shyama Sundara Krishna as Supreme.He also dedicates the

First few chapters in proving how the Shyama Sundara form is most worshippable

of all forms.

In Padma Purana Dvaraka Maharmya, is says that the Childhood form of

Krishna(Kaisora) is topmost worshippable form.

Krishna in the same chapter says that His form of Shyama Sundara is the topmost

form concealed by the Vedas.

Brahma Samhita defines the form of Shyama Sundara as topmost.

Srila Prabhupada in NOD quotes Srila Rupa & says how of all forms of Krishna the

Kaisora form(ShyamaSundara) is the topmost worshippable.(Remember the BRS is a

to do Guide & so an injunction from our acharyas)

Srila Viswanatha Chakravarti Thakura in Madhurya Kadambini quoting Srimad

Bhagavatham proves how the form of Vrajendra Nandan Krishna is the topmost

embodiment of all Rasas & hence best of all worshippable forms.

Rasa is meant for Krishna's pleasure & not ours. This Srila Jiva Goswami

explains in Priti Sandarbha how we get enjoy the Rasa. Krishna wants us to

worship His Shyama Sundara form in Bhagavad Gita,(The form before Arjuna was a

Tadekatma Rupa & not Svayam Rupa).So that is the most confidential Knowldege of

Bhagavad Gita.

I would say Srila Prabhupada has most wonderfully condensed the

Previous acharyas' explanations.




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