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prapya punya-krtam lokan

usitva sasvatih samah

sucinam srimatam gehe

yoga-bhrasto 'bhijayate




prapya--after achieving; punya-krtam--of those who performed pious

activities; lokan--planets; usitva--after dwelling; sasvatih--many;

samah--years; sucinam--of the pious; sri-matam--of the prosperous;

gehe--in the house; yoga-bhrastah--one who has fallen from the path of

self-realization; abhijayate--takes his birth.




The unsuccessful yogi, after many, many years of enjoyment on the

planets of the pious living entities, is born into a family of

righteous people, or into a family of rich aristocracy.




The unsuccessful yogis are divided into two classes: one is fallen

after very little progress, and one is fallen after long practice of

yoga. The yogi who falls after a short period of practice goes to the

higher planets, where pious living entities are allowed to enter.

After prolonged life there, one is sent back again to this planet, to

take birth in the family of a righteous brahmana vaisnava or of

aristocratic merchants.


The real purpose of yoga practice is to achieve the highest perfection

of Krsna consciousness, as explained in the last verse of this

chapter. But those who do not persevere to such an extent and who fail

because of material allurements are allowed, by the grace of the Lord,

to make full utilization of their material propensities. And after

that, they are given opportunities to live prosperous lives in

righteous or aristocratic families. Those who are born in such

families may take advantage of the facilities and try to elevate

themselves to full Krsna consciousness.


Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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