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udarah sarva evaite

jnani tv atmaiva me matam

asthitah sa hi yuktatma

mam evanuttamam gatim




udarah--magnanimous; sarve--all; eva--certainly; ete--these;

jnani--one who is in knowledge; tu--but; atma eva- just like Myself;

me--My; matam--opinion; asthitah--situated; sah--he; hi--certainly;

yukta-atma--engaged in devotional service; mam--in Me; eva--certainly;

anuttamam--the highest; gatim--destination.




All these devotees are undoubtedly magnanimous souls, but he who is

situated in knowledge of Me I consider to be just like My own self.

Being engaged in My transcendental service, he is sure to attain Me,

the highest and most perfect goal.




It is not that devotees who are less complete in knowledge are not

dear to the Lord. The Lord says that all are magnanimous because

anyone who comes to the Lord for any purpose is called a mahatma, or

great soul. The devotees who want some benefit out of devotional

service are accepted by the Lord because there is an exchange of

affection. Out of affection they ask the Lord for some material

benefit, and when they get it they become so satisfied that they also

advance in devotional service. But the devotee in full knowledge is

considered to be very dear to the Lord because his only purpose is to

serve the Supreme Lord with love and devotion. Such a devotee cannot

live a second without contacting or serving the Supreme Lord.

Similarly, the Supreme Lord is very fond of His devotee and cannot be

separated from him.


In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (9.4.68), the Lord says:


sadhavo hrdayam mahyam

sadhunam hrdayam tv aham

mad-anyat te na jananti

naham tebhyo manag api


"The devotees are always in My heart, and I am always in the hearts of the

devotees. The devotee does not know anything beyond Me, and I also

cannot forget the devotee. There is a very intimate relationship

between Me and the pure devotees. Pure devotees in full knowledge are

never out of spiritual touch, and therefore they are very much dear to



Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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