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vedaham samatitani

vartamanani carjuna

bhavisyani ca bhutani

mam tu veda na kascana




veda--know; aham--I; samatitani--completely past;

vartamanani--present; ca--and; arjuna--O Arjuna; bhavisyani--future;

ca--also; bhutani--all living entities; mam--Me; tu--but; veda--knows;

na--not; kascana--anyone.




O Arjuna, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I know everything

that has happened in the past, all that is happening in the present,

and all things that are yet to come. I also know all living entities;

but Me no one knows.




Here the question of personality and impersonality is clearly stated.

If Krsna, the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, were maya,

material, as the impersonalists consider Him to be, then like the

living entity He would change His body and forget everything about His

past life. Anyone with a material body cannot remember his past life,

nor can he foretell his future life, nor can he predict the outcome of

his present life; therefore he cannot know what is happening in past,

present and future. Unless one is liberated from material

contamination, he cannot know past, present and future.


Unlike the ordinary human being, Lord Krsna clearly says that He

completely knows what happened in the past, what is happening in the

present, and what will happen in the future. In the Fourth Chapter we

have seen that Lord Krsna remembers instructing Vivasvan, the sun-god,

millions of years ago. Krsna knows every living entity because He is

situated in every living being's heart as the Supersoul. But despite

His presence in every living entity as Supersoul and His presence as

the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the less intelligent, even if able

to realize the impersonal Brahman, cannot realize Sri Krsna as the

Supreme Person. Certainly the transcendental body of Sri Krsna is not

perishable. He is just like the sun, and maya is like a cloud. In the

material world we can see that there is the sun and that there are

clouds and different stars and planets. The clouds may cover all these

in the sky temporarily, but this covering is only apparent to our

limited vision. The sun, moon and stars are not actually covered.

Similarly, maya cannot cover the Supreme Lord. By His internal potency

He is not manifest to the less intelligent class of men. As it is

stated in the third verse of this chapter, out of millions and

millions of men, some try to become perfect in this human form of

life, and out of thousands and thousands of such perfected men, hardly

one can understand what Lord Krsna is. Even if one is perfected by

realization of impersonal Brahman or localized Paramatma, he cannot

possibly understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna,

without being in Krsna consciousness.


Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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