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Blood in the forms of avataras?

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Please accept my humble obeisances. In BHagavtam third canto, while describing

the fight between Hiranyaksha and Lord varahadeva, it is said that when the

both fighters smelled the blood on the bodies of each other, their vigour to

fight increased and they fought more ferociously. The acharyas explain that the

Lord's form is spiritual when he descends in different incarnations.How do we

reconclie this truth with the above mentioned incident?


Also in Mahabharata we find that when Bhishma was shooting arrows at Arjuna some

of the arrows peirced the body of Krishna and they caused wounds and bleeding in

his body and the Lord regarded them as the bites of a lover.


How come there is bleeding and wounds on the body of the all- spiritual Lord?


I request the devotees of teh forum to explain this point.


Your servant,


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achintya, lakshminarayanan harikumar

<lharikumar2002> wrote:

> Hare Krishna,

> Please accept my humble obeisances. In BHagavtam third canto, while

describing the fight between Hiranyaksha and Lord varahadeva, it is

said that when the both fighters smelled the blood on the bodies of

each other, their vigour to fight increased and they fought more

ferociously. The acharyas explain that the Lord's form is spiritual

when he descends in different incarnations.How do we reconclie this

truth with the above mentioned incident?


> Also in Mahabharata we find that when Bhishma was shooting arrows

at Arjuna some of the arrows peirced the body of Krishna and they

caused wounds and bleeding in his body and the Lord regarded them as

the bites of a lover.


> How come there is bleeding and wounds on the body of the all-

spiritual Lord?


> I request the devotees of teh forum to explain this point.


> Your servant,

> L.Harikumar.




the lord takes a human form and it appears to be exactly

like any other human,Not that it isn't spiritual though.


What is a spiritual body ?

It is a body that is engaged in eternal activities, the

concept of maya sakti or the material energy is based

on the temporary nature of the material energy,

all actions done under the illusory potency of Maya Sakti

are considered temporary and therefore material,

the same substance say a body or a table or an apple

if used in its eternal function by a realized soul

is not a material substance.


If i am ignorant of the eternal spiritual truth and live my

life based on temporary considerations of gaining advancement

of wealth ,health,and happiness then i live under the auspices

of Maha Maya,all things and actions are considered material

or materialistic.


If I am fully aware of the eternal truth and utlilize all resources

in the knowledge and application of that truth then I live

under the auspices of the internal energy or Yoga Maya,

so the same thing is either spiritual or material depending

on how we relate to it,the energy of the lord is one substance

yet it is either utilized with knowledge and auspisciousness

or utilized for temporary benefit in ignorance of the absolute



so Krishna's body or other things may appear to be made of matter

but in fact they are spiritual because they are utilized

in the eternal function full of bliss and knowledge,

matter and spirit are both the essentially the same substance

or the energy of God,when the energy of God is used in eternal

transcendental activites it is spiritual and when it is used

for temporary ignorant activities it is material.



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-- In achintya, lakshminarayanan harikumar

<lharikumar2002> wrote:


> How come there is bleeding and wounds on the body of the all-

spiritual Lord?


> I request the devotees of teh forum to explain this point.


There is no contradiction between His appearance of "bleeding" and

His sat-chit-aananda vigraha. The Lord can manifest signs of apparent

injury if He so desires, for the sake of the pastime. In Nectar of

Devotion, I believe Srila Prabhupada explains the "injured"

appearance of Krishna due to Bhiishma's shooting of arrows at Him as

a manifestation of the "chivalry" rasa between the Lord and His

devotee Bhiishma.


Needless to say, maayaavaadis will try to argue that these instances

prove that the Lord's body is in fact material. However, blood is not

vishuddha-sattva in any context, and as the Lord's body is, they

would have a hard time trying to explain this contradiction.

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On Fri, 26 Mar 2004, krishna_susarla wrote:

> lakshminarayanan harikumar< lharikumar2002> wrote:

> > How come there is bleeding and wounds on the body of the all-

> spiritual Lord?


> There is no contradiction between His appearance of "bleeding" and

> His sat-chit-aananda vigraha. The Lord can manifest signs of apparent

> injury if He so desires, for the sake of the pastime.


Likewise, sometimes the Lord appears to manifest much worse (SB 10.8.31):


“Sometimes, being angry, Krsna passes urine and stool in a neat, clean place in

our houses. But now, our dear friend Yasoda, this expert thief is sitting before

you like a very good boy.”



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