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karma occurs outside the framework of material time.>In that sense karma has no

beginning.> >> >> >> >> >> > Vrajanatha: O master, why did some souls leave the

borderline of>matter and spirit and enter the world of Maya? Why did other souls

go>to the spiritual world?> > Babaji: Lord Krishna's own qualities are present

in a very small>degree in the individual spirit souls. Because Lord Krishna has

free>will, so the individual souls eternally possess a small quantity of>free

will also. When that free will is used properly, the individual>soul is

favourable to Krishna and turns toward Him. When the free>will is misused, the

soul is averse to Krishna and turns away from>Him. Then the soul tries to enjoy

Maya. Puffed up with petty pride,>the soul thinks, "I am the enjoyer of matter."

Then the pure>spiritual form of the soul becomes covered by

the five kinds of>ignorance that begin with illusion and false-ego. Thus it is

the>proper or improper use of free will that bring us either liberation>or

imprisonment in the material world.> >> >> > Vrajanatha: Lord Krishna is

supremely merciful. Why, then, did He>make the individual spirit souls so weak

that they fall into Maya's>world?> > Babaji: As He is merciful, so Krishna is

also playful. Desiring>many different kinds of pastimes with individual spirit

souls in many>different conditions of life, He created many exalted

conditions,>which culminate in 'maha-bhava' great ecstatic spiritual love for

the>Lord., and He also created, with the help of Sri Radha's expansion>Maya,

the degraded material conditions of life, which reach their>nadir in 'ahankara'

(the soul's misidentification with matter). In>this way, by the influence of Sri

Radha there is the

attainment of>limitless transcendental bliss, and by the influence of Maya there

is>a descent into the lower depths. The souls that thus enter Maya's>abyss are

not interested in their own spiritual well-being. They are>averse to Lord

Krishna and interested in their own selfish pleasure.>Thus they go down lower

and lower. However, supremely merciful Lord>Krishna sends His own personal

associates from His own spiritual>world into the material world to make these

souls> > favourable to Him and to lift them out of the abyss. In this way>some

of the fallen souls gradually become elevated and eventually>return to the

spiritual world, where they become eternal associates>of the Lord.> >> >> >

Vrajanatha: Why must the individual souls suffer so the Lord can>enjoy pastimes

like these?> > Babaji: What should be said is this: It is by the great mercy

of>the Lord that the individual souls have free will. Why not speak in>that way?

Inanimate matter is very lowly and unimportant because it>has no free will. It

is because they have free will that the>individual souls can become masters of

the world of matter. "Pain">and "pleasure" are two destinations the mind can

attain. What you and>I may call "pain", another person, who is attached to it,

may>call "pleasure". All material pleasures bring only pain at the end.>They do

not lead to anything but that. Therefore a person attached to>material pleasures

becomes unhappy at the end. When that unhappiness>becomes very acute, the soul

begins to desire happiness that is not>mixed with sufferings. From that desire

comes intelligence, and from>that intelligence comes the spirit of inquiry.

>From the spirit of>inquiry comes association with saintly persons, from

association with>saintly persons

comes faith in spiritual life, and from> > faith in spiritual life one becomes

gradually elevated. In this>way what began as pain became at the end the giver

of auspicious>happiness. When it is heated and burnished, impure gold becomes

pure.>In the same way, when they suffer in Maya's material world, the>impure

souls averse to Lord Krishna and yearning to enjoy maya become>purified. That

this suffering turns into the giver of happiness is>the mercy of Lord Krishna.

Therefore they who are far-sighted see>that these sufferings of the conditioned

souls eventually bring>auspicious happiness. They who are short sighted cannot

see that.>They see only sufferings.> > Vrajanatha: Although they may bring

happiness at the end, for the>present the conditioned souls' sufferings are

very painful. Could not>the all-powerful Lord invent a different path, one


these>sufferings?> > Babaji: Lord Krishna enjoys many different kinds of

wonderful>pastimes. This is one of His wonderful pastimes. A person who

is>supremely independent can enjoy many different kinds of pastimes, and>this

may be one of them. Why not? If the Lord has every kind of>pastime, then no

pastime may be rejected. If one pastime is>substituted for another, then still

some kind of troubles must be>expected. Lord Krishna is the supreme person and

the creator.>Everyone is subject to His will. If one person is subject

to>another's will, is there not some difficulty in that? If that>difficulty

eventually leads to happiness, then it is no difficulty at>all. Why do you say

it is suffering and difficulty? If to expand Lord>Krishna's pastimes the

individual souls go through some difficulties,>the difficulties are only

happiness. Lord Krishna's pastimes are>naturally full of

bliss. If an individual soul of his own free will>voluntarily leaves those

pastimes and enters the world of Maya and>accepts the> > sufferings there,

then if anyone is at fault it is the individual>soul who is at fault. Krishna

is not at fault.> > Vrajanatha: In that situation, what is the harm that Lord

Krishna>does not give the soul free will? Krishna knows everything.

Therefore>Krishna knows if a certain soul will misuse his free will and

bring>suffering to himself. In that situation it is cruel of Krishna to>give

such a person free will. Is it not?> > Babaji: Free will is a precious jewel.

In the material world there>are many inanimate material objects. None of them

were given the>jewel of free will. That is why inanimate objects are lowly

and>unimportant. If he had not been given free will, the individual soul>would

be lowly and unimportant, just like inanimate

objects. The>individual soul is a tiny particle of spirit. Whatever

qualities>spirit has, the soul must also have. Free will is one of

the>qualities of spirit. Spirit can never be separated from its

eternal>qualities. Therefore, as a tiny particle of spirit, the soul must>have

free will. It is because they have free will that the individual>souls are

superior to inanimate matter and are the masters of the>material world. The

souls, who all have free will, are all the dear>servants of Lord Krishna. When

they misuse that free will and enter>the world of maya, merciful Krishna weeps

to see how they are>suffering. Eager to deliver them, He follows the individual

souls>into the> > material world. Ware that the souls will not see His

nectarean>pastimes in the material world, He brings His inconceivable

pastimes>there. Seeing that the conditioned souls do not understand

His>pastimes, he descends to Nabadwip and teaches them about His

form,>qualities, and pastimes and about His own holy name, which is the>best

way for spiritual advancement, and He also teaches them by>acting the role of

His won devotee. Baba, how can you place the blame>on merciful Krishna? Even

though His mercy is fathomless, you remain>unfortunate and very pathetic.> >> >

Please refer to the link> > http://www.mandala.com.au/jaiva_dharma/ch15.htm>


>> > Also the statement nacha punaravarhtnati si stressed three times in>brahma

sutra..No acharya of madhva or sri ramanuja accept the

fall>down..> >> > But anyway as always the case being...a man in the weel is

wise>when he thinks of escaping rahter than questioning his presence in>the

pit.> >> >> > dasna> > rajgopal

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