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tapamy aham aham varsam

nigrhnamy utsrjami ca

amrtam caiva mrtyus ca

sad asac caham arjuna




tapami--give heat; aham--I; aham--I; varsam--rain;

nigrhnami--withhold; utsrjami--send forth; ca--and;

amrtam--immortality; ca--and; eva--certainly; mrtyuh--death; ca--and;

sat--spirit; asat--matter; ca--and; aham--I; arjuna--O Arjuna.




O Arjuna, I give heat, and I withhold and send forth the rain. I am

immortality, and I am also death personified. Both spirit and matter

are in Me.




Krsna, by His different energies, diffuses heat and light through the

agency of electricity and the sun. During summer season it is Krsna

who checks rain from falling from the sky, and then during the rainy

season He gives unceasing torrents of rain. The energy which sustains

us by prolonging the duration of our life is Krsna, and Krsna meets us

at the end as death. By analyzing all these different energies of

Krsna, one can ascertain that for Krsna there is no distinction

between matter and spirit, or, in other words, He is both matter and

spirit. In the advanced stage of Krsna consciousness, one therefore

makes no such distinctions. He sees only Krsna in everything.


Since Krsna is both matter and spirit, the gigantic universal form

comprising all material manifestations is also Krsna, and His pastimes

in Vrndavana as two-handed Syamasundara, playing on a flute, are those

of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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