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aham sarvasya prabhavo

mattah sarvam pravartate

iti matva bhajante mam

budha bhava-samanvitah




aham--I; sarvasya--of all; prabhavah--the source of generation;

mattah--from Me; sarvam--everything; pravartate--emanates; iti--thus;

matva--knowing; bhajante--become devoted; mam--unto Me; budhah--the

learned; bhava-samanvitah--with great attention.




I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything

emanates from Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My

devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.




A learned scholar who has studied the Vedas perfectly and has

information from authorities like Lord Caitanya and who knows how to

apply these teachings can understand that Krsna is the origin of

everything in both the material and spiritual worlds, and because he

knows this perfectly he becomes firmly fixed in the devotional service

of the Supreme Lord. He can never be deviated by any amount of

nonsensical commentaries or by fools. All Vedic literature agrees that

Krsna is the source of Brahma, Siva and all other demigods. In the

Atharva Veda (Gopala-tapani Upanisad 1.24) it is said, yo brahmanam

vidadhati purvam yo vai vedams ca gapayati sma krsnah:

"It was Krsna who in the beginning instructed Brahma in Vedic knowledge and

who disseminated Vedic knowledge in the past." Then again the Narayana

Upanisad (1) says, atha puruso ha vai narayano 'kamayata prajah


"Then the Supreme Personality Narayana desired to create living entities."

The Upanisad continues, narayanad brahma jayate, narayanad prajapatih

prajayate, narayanad indro jayate, narayanad astau vasavo jayante,

narayanad ekadasa rudrajayante, narayanad dvadasadityah: "From

Narayana, Brahma is born, and from Narayana the patriarchs are also

born. From Narayana, Indra is born, from Narayana the eight Vasus are

born, from Narayana the eleven Rudras are born, from Narayana the

twelve Adityas are born." This Narayana is an expansion of Krsna.


It is said in the same Vedas, brahmanyo devaki-putrah: "The son of

Devaki, Krsna, is the Supreme Personality." (Narayana Upanisad 4) Then

it is said, eko vai narayana asin na brahma na isano napo nagni-samau

neme dyav-aprthivi na naksatrani na suryah: "In the beginning of the

creation there was only the Supreme Personality Narayana. There was no

Brahma, no Siva, no fire, no moon, no stars in the sky, no sun." (Maha

Upanisad 1) In the Maha Upanisad it is also said that Lord Siva was

born from the forehead of the Supreme Lord. Thus the Vedas say that it

is the Supreme Lord, the creator of Brahma and Siva, who is to be



In the Moksa-dharma Krsna also says,


prajapatim ca rudram capy

aham eva srjami vai

tau hi mam na vijanito

mama maya-vimohitau


"The patriarchs, Siva and others are created by Me, though they do not know

that they are created by Me because they are deluded by My illusory

energy." In the Varaha Purana it is also said,


narayanah paro devas

tasmaijatas caturmukhah

tasmad rudro 'bhavad devah

sa ca sarva-jnatam gatah


"Narayana is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and from Him Brahma was

born, from whom Siva was born."


Lord Krsna is the source of all generations, and He is called the most

efficient cause of everything. He says, "Because everything is born of

Me, I am the original source of all. Everything is under Me; no one is

above Me." There is no supreme controller other than Krsna. One who

understands Krsna in such a way from a bona fide spiritual master,

with references from Vedic literature, engages all his energy in Krsna

consciousness and becomes a truly learned man. In comparison to him,

all others, who do not know Krsna properly, are but fools. Only a fool

would consider Krsna to be an ordinary man. A Krsna conscious person

should not be bewildered by fools; he should avoid all unauthorized

commentaries and interpretations on Bhagavad-gita and proceed in Krsna

consciousness with determination and firmness.


Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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