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Dear Devotees.




So...My facination with the inner meaning is for

preaching purposes to hindu villages in Trinidad.

I am currently in Venezuela, but may have to return to

Trinidad (Carribean) where I was preaching for the

last 2 years as a sankirtana devotee. Half of the

island in Indian the other half African. The Island

was developed by Spanish and English conquestors, who

brought in the Indians as slaves to cut cane, so they

could have sweet tea. So much suffering for a

momentary sensation of the palatte. The residents of

villages like Felicity and Rio Clara are mainly cane

cutters and farmers. They speak broken english and

there culture is declining influence by the Carribean

"Carnival mood".

These villages also have something called Ram lila.

Its a big event that lasts for 7-14 days. Residents of

the village dress up as different characters (carnival

style) from the Ramayana and re-act the lila from

start to finnish. Its great! Its usually held in a

Savanah (park) and they have a script which is read

out over loud speakers and the actors shadoww the


The real heart is the "TASSA DRUM". My favorite. Its a

indian style percussion group consisting of three

parts, the brass - Large cartals, the bass - huge

barrel like drum, and the tassa - a bit like a snare

drum only the skin has to be stretched by heating over

a fire its then played with bendy drum stick, and has

a sound like fire crackers! Dem is knock dat ting like

dey MAAAAD! Big cantankerous sounds.

This is usually played during the fight scenes.


Althought they love the Ramayan, unfortunately they

have very little understanding of the Bhagavad gita.

The one that we sold end up on there altar unopened.


The Africans brought religions like Shangu and Orisha

(Manifesting spirits) and the Indians brought the

Tulsi dasa Ramayana. So the philosophy is impersonal,

and they like stories.

So with this in mind I had to try and preach. How to

get them to personal philosophy? How show them that

Krishan is the source. If I could somehow draw there

attention to Prabhupadas gita... A-HA! If were to

speak form the Valmiki Ramayana tell a pastime but

dwell on certain concepts and thus link slokas from

the gita, this would certainly allow them to laws in

the gita come to life in the Ramayan!

To turn there pencil sketch of gita into an oil

painting by superimposing the stories of the Ramayana

onto the philosphy of the Gita.

So this is my purpose for learning inner meaning.


Although I recently got an order to learn spanish and

preach in Latin America, still I think Trinidad will

be my base.


So where do the gita slokas fit into the Ramayan? Any



'The Inner Meaning


Rama is the Indweller in every Body.


A refernce to Paramatma.


He is the Atma-Rama, the Rama (Source

of Bliss) in every individual.


The spirit soul is blissful due to his relationship

Rama not other wise.


His blessings upsurging from that inner

Spring can confer Peace and Bliss.


Blessing in the form of bliss but not so specific.

Bu for a blessing there has to be a blesser and a

blessed. So all is not one.


He is the very embodiment of Dharma of

all the Codes of Morality that hold mankind together

in Love and Unity.





Ramayana, the Rama story, teaches two lessons: the

value of detachment and

the need to become aware of the Divine in every being.


Its still unclear I find this terminology

uncomfortable, its bordering Mayavadi.


Faith in God and

detachment from objective pursuits are the keys for

human liberation.


Yes what about seva?


Give up sense-objects; you gain Rama.

Sita gave up the luxuries of Ayodhya and so, she could

be with Rama, in the period of 'exile'.


I like this! I will use this. Ace.


When she cast longing

eyes on the golden deer and craved for it, she lost

the Presence of Rama.

Renunciation leads to joy; attachment brings about



Yes I had figures this one out for my self.

Karma esa Krodha esa


Be in the world,

but, not of it.


Yes sai!


The brothers, comrades, companions and collaborators

of Rama

are each of them examples of persons saturated with



Nice use of the word Saturated Sai, me old beauty.


Dasaratha is the

representative of the merely physical, with the ten



Great, I heard this one was Ravana with ten heads. I

think it fits better!


15.7 stuggling with the mind and senses.


The three

Gunas - Sathwa, Rajas and Thamas - are the three



Noooooooo, Sai, your wrong! Now I know your a popular

fellah n'all, but I really have put my foot down!

OOOh, you get me so angry sometimes. Take your foot

out of your mouth when I´m talking to you!

Kaikeyi was passionate wheras, Kausalya and Sumitra

were in Goodness.


The Four Goals of

Life - the Purusharthas - are the four Sons. Lakshmana

is the Intellect;


Really how so?


Sugriva is Viveka or Discrimination.


What de he discriminate.


Vali is Despair.


Maybe this was shown after he receive a ires


Hanuman is the

embodiment of Courage. The Bridge is built over the

Ocean of Delusion. The

three Rakshasa chiefs are personifications of the

Rajasic (Ravana), Thamasic

(Kumbhakarna) [see also Srimad Bhagavatam, C7:1, verse

44] and the Sathwic

qualities (Vibhishana). Sita is Brahmajnana or the

Awareness of the

Universal Absolute, which the Individual must acquire

and regain undergoing

travails in the crucible of Life. Make your heart pure

and strong,

contemplating the grandeur of the Ramayana. Be

established in the faith that

Rama is the Reality of your existence.'








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