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The point of view of the Gaudiya Vaisnava acaryas is that the Lord in accepting

the form of wood, stone, etc. BECOMES the Deity, and that such form IS Krsna.

Krishna has the capacity to transform one energy into another, much as the

electrician can transform the electrical energy to either heat or cool a given

space. He (Krsna) may turn matter into spirit or spirit into matter as He likes.

If the Lord is accepted as having omnipotence, how can you argue that He cannot

appear AS the Deity in the temple. The idea that He appears IN the Deity has

been discarded by Svarupa Damodara Gosvami in the pastime in which the brahmana

"glorifies" Jagannatha as being animated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprahu.


I don't think it is acceptable to discard the authority of CC as long as the

statements match up with sastra, which they do. Padma Purana justifies the view

that the Deity is Krsna.


Further, we may put forward our opinions, but I still feel that if persons like

Srila Prabhupada, The Six Gosvamis and Bhaktivinoda Thakura affirm this point,

we cannot be expected to give equal weight to the opinion of a scholar based on

what appears to be a partial understanding of Madhva's teachings. To flatly

disagree with the statements of Prabhupada on such an essential point would

require some powerful sastric evidence, and not just asserting the opinion that

he is wrong. I find this unpalatable.





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achintya, "rupavi" <rupavi@n...> wrote:

> arcye visnau sila-dhir gurusu nara-matir vaisnave jati buddhir

> visnor va vaisnavanam kali-mala-mathane pada-tirthe'mbu-buddhih

> sri-visnor namni mantre sakala-kalusa-he sabde-samanya buddhir

> visnau sarvesvarese tad-itara-sama-dhir yasya va naraki sah


Thanks for quoting this - I was thinking of this very verse, but I

did not have the time to bring it up.

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achintya, "rupavi" <rupavi@n...> wrote:



> Further, we may put forward our opinions, but I still feel that if

> persons like Srila Prabhupada, The Six Gosvamis and Bhaktivinoda

> Thakura affirm this point, we cannot be expected to give equal

> weight to the opinion of a scholar based on what appears to be a

> partial understanding of Madhva's teachings.


Well i have read your post and have somethings to say. However, at

present i am facing shortage of time so i would just like to say one



Its not my self produced opinion. It is opinion of Madhvacarya. If

you think i am wrong ask Gerald Surya on this list who has had talks

with Sirsha Rao, a great madhva scholar long time back on this same

issue. See what he says. If you don't believe Gerald go to dvaita

list and ask Sirsha himself. If you don't believe sirsha go to BNK

Sharma or consult his book Philosophy of Madhvacarya. Actually see

page 353 which has in it chapter on manifestations of brahman.


Sharma writes:

"The Ramanuja school recognizes five kinds of manifestations of God:

1) Images 2) Avatars 3) Vyuhas 4)Transcendent 5)Immanent. Madhva

accepts all but first one,......"


Now if you even want to challenge Sharma's understanding of Madhva

philosophy why not go ask acaryas of Madhva math in udupi etc......


What i am saying is opinion of Madhva, Jayatirtha, Vyastirtha and not

just something produced by me based on feeble understanding of

Madhva's philosophy. Give me time I will answer all doubts/questions

raised by you. Besides if you have properly read my question springs

from avatar concept as taught in Sruti and Gita. Please consult my

previous posts for sastric substantiation.



Your Servant Always,


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Sumeet, I do not doubt that Madhva holds the opinion you attributed

to him. However:


> Its not my self produced opinion. It is opinion of Madhvacarya. If

> you think i am wrong ask Gerald Surya on this list who has had


> with Sirsha Rao, a great madhva scholar long time back on this same

> issue. See what he says. .....


The above is not a proper response at all. If you want to argue

something based on what Madhva said, you must quote Madhva himself.

This business of "I heard it from X, who heard it from Y" etc has got

to go. I'm not sure when Srisha Rao suddenly became a "great madhva

scholar," but just FYI he was publicly corrected by some of his

colleagues on the Dvaita list regarding his stance on Puraanas as

Fifth Veda. His "position paper" regarding ISKCON was also not warmly

received by some of the Ashta Matha Swamis. I know that he is well

read, but that does not make him an infallible authority on Madhva.

And yes, while I do not have any specific criticism of BNK Sharma,

the point is that he is not Madhva, and you are arguing based on

something Madhva was alleged to have said. Thus, the burden of proof

is on you to show where he said that.


We cannot have hearsay on this list - let us have hard facts instead.

Then we can discuss the issue properly.





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