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On Fri, 22 Nov 2002, mcthaker wrote:

> Demigod worship is unnecessary, for anyone who has truly realised and

> surrendered to Lord Krsna. However, since without pleasing devotees

> there is no hope of pleasing Sri Krsna, we may have to approach

> demigods.


There is a gulf of difference between approaching the devatas as

superior bhaktas and approaching them as the presumably independent

bestowers of materialistic boons. Only the latter is discouraged or condemned;

unfortunately, it is also the usual approach.




> However absurd it may sound, the activities of Lord Indra, Lord Siva

> or Lord Brahma are there to guide us. We have to remember they are

> still better devotees than any of us can ever hope or likely to

> become.


The relevence of this principle has been elaborately illustrated

in Srila Sanatana Gosvami's Brhad-bhagavatamrtam, which is now available

in a superb new edition published by the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. No

matter how materially or spiritually advanced one becomes, there are

always devotees to be found who are far, far superior.



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Dear Wade




>The demigods are servants to the universal creation

>in favorable God consciousness providing rain, air



When King Vena ruled he stopped oblations.

Anyway beacause of this the earth dried up and

everyone became skinny.


When Mahraja Prthu ruled the earth was full of all



So demigods like devotees. When deotees are prevalent

then the demigod prevail due having extra engagement

in serving the king and boosting his opulence?


Were the oblations that Vena stoped for Visnu or the



What do the demigods actually get from the oblations,

I know in the Siva/Daksa pastime Agni offers prayers

to Visnu who appeared in the sacrificial arena.

By your mercy I am effulgent and can accept the

offering given in the fire. Also In Krishna Dharmas

Ramayan it was said that In Treta yuga the demigods

would stand in the sky and recieve the offerings.


So would it be sweetrice they recieve?


>Devotees are providing pure spiritual consciousness

>and desire nothing but direct service to Krsna so by

>being active give the demigods more facility for

>serving devotees and so the demigods get a greater

>chance of increasing their level of God



Jay! Service to the devotes would bring spirtual



your servant










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