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Arca Murti and Sat Chit Ananda Brahman Svarupa -- Part 2

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4) Objection on basis of avatar theory of Katha Upanisad and Gita


Look at the following verse from Katha Upanisad:

II.1.10. "What indeed is here is there; what is there is here again.

Whoso here sees as though different, passes from death to death."


The words "What indeed is here is there; what is there is here

again." means that there is absolutely no difference between mula

rupa of bhagavan in Vaikuntha and his incarnation which descends in

this world. Svarupa of Bhagavan in Vaikuntha has been described

above. Even Gita 4.6 says that bhagavan descends in His original

svarupa [prakrtim svam].


Based on this avatar theory of Gita and Upanisads lets consider two

types of avatars - Lila murti and Arca Murti.


>From Gita and Katha Sruti we have:

Mula Rupa = Lila Rupa ........... (a)


Now if Arca Murti is an avatar then,

Mula Rupa = Arca Rupa ............. (b)


and also from (a) & (b), we have:

Lila Rupa = Arca Rupa.


Now people say Lila Murti seems to be just like ordinary being

apparently only. It is not in reality so. And we agree with this

since Sastra gives support to it. With a great sense of regret

Krishna says in Gita 7.24 that ignorant(mudah) doesn't know know his

Supreme nature meaning His actual svarupa as has been described

earlier in this post and hence think him to be ordinary. In 7.25 Lord

says he isn't manifest to such people. So they consider him ordinary.


But when they want to go and destroy krishna, they are destroyed by

him and are granted moksha. So Lila Murti of bhagavat cannot be

destroyed, broken, burnt, dissolved etc...... Hence one can verify

the brahman svarupa and svarupa of Lila Murti is absolutely

identical. Katha Sruti and Gita remains true. PLEASE NOTE: In case of

Lila form limitations are apparent only. The word apparent means that

which **seems** to be true but is not necessarily so. So Lila Murtis

limitation are apparent.


Now take Arca Murti of Bhagavat. If its svarupa is absolutely

identical to brahma svarupa, then it cannot be destroyed, for

indestructibility is essential attribute of brahman svarupa. Brahman

svarupa is also described as subtle than the subtlest, so neither can

it be dissolved. However as i earlier said one can destroy Arca Murti

by breaking it, dissolve it based on the physical and chemical

properties of materials used to make a deity. So the limitation is

not apparent in case of Arca Murti. It is ***really there***. Arca

Murti suffers from limitations. Also, if arca is in a basement which

has no source of light other than bulb/tubelight inside it, then arca

cannot be seen unless one doesn't lits up the room, while at the same

time advanced devotees can percieve Supersoul within.


This arguement is not dry logic. Indestructibility and Subtility are

attributes associated to brahma svarupa by scriptures. And Arca is

neither Indestructible nor Subtle. So its based on scriptures.

Similarly there are other limitations in case of arca.


So the theory of apparent limitation will not help in case of Arca

Murti. Hence one cannot use it here.

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