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Arca Murti and Sat Chit Ananda Brahman Svarupa -- Part 4

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Now coming back to padma purana verse, Visnu's arca is not considered

to be ordinary just like any stray stone or pebble because of Vishnus

presence in it sanctifies the arca. Recall bhagavata verses i had

posted earlier:


"While carrying the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead within

the core of his heart, Vasudeva bore the Lord's transcendentally

illuminating effulgence, and thus he became as bright as the sun. He

was therefore very difficult to see or approach through sensory

perception. Indeed, he was unapproachable and unperceivable even for

such formidable men as Kamsa, and not only for Kamsa but for all

living entities." [sB 10.2.17]


"Thereafter, accompanied by plenary expansions, the fully

opulent Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is all-auspicious for the

entire universe, was transferred from the mind of Vasudeva to the

mind of Devaki. Devaki, having thus been initiated by Vasudeva,

became beautiful by carrying Lord Krishna, the original consciousness

for everyone, the cause of all causes, within the core of her heart,

just as the east becomes beautiful by carrying the rising moon." [sB



Kindly note the way vyasa deva describes the beauty of devaki. East

becomes beautiful because of it carrying moon, so devaki becomes

beautiful because of her carrying Supreme Lord. Same way arca becomes

as if it possesses enchanting beauty when brahman becomes samagaatya

in/with it.


"Because the Supreme Personality of Godhead was within her womb,

Devakî illuminated the entire atmosphere in the place where she

was confined. Seeing her jubilant, pure and smiling, Kamsa

thought, "The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vishnu, who is now

within her, will kill me. Devakî has never before looked so

brilliant and jubilant." [sB 10.2.20]


See over here both devaki and vasudeva, even though possess cit

sarira or according to some prakrtic sarira, becomes very different

from their normal states when they bear presence of Vishnu in them.

All this actually establishes the glorious/supreme nature of visnu.

He can make both matter and spirit look glorious by being present

within them, just because he possesses Supreme nature. So even murti

of Visnu becomes effulgent and sanctified by His divine presence.

This mutri can talk, do anything as per will of Lord.


antaryami vidya clearly says: Bhagavan is the inner controller.

It is bhagavan only who makes Sun luminous. It is bhagavan

who makes jivatman luminous and imparts it all spiritual attributes.

So murti also becomes special and IS NOT AT ALL like stray stone

or pebble lying on ground.


In one line it is not ordinary because bhagavan has manifested his own

svarupa. Bhagavan is actually present there, permeating it entirely.

In our body he manifests himself within our heart along with

jivaatman but in Arca he permeates it entirely, that is what is meant

by joining it or coming together in form corresponding to the form of

Arca.[sattvata Samhita]


The Padma Purana verse addresses this type of mentality:



"The stone he calls his god, in the end, drowns him with itself...

Know that a boat of stone carries one not across" (Guru Arjan Dev,



"The stone neither speaks nor gives anything. Therefore its service

is fruitless and its worship is of no avail." (Bhagat Kabir, Bhairo)


Recall Lord krishna while criticizing fools who thinks his

transcendental body to be same as just anyone elses says these people

are ignorant of my param bhavam or Supreme State of existence, which

is acintya rupam, aditya varnam, tamasat parah.... Same thing here

those who are ignorant of Vishnus glory cannot realize that his

presence in anything or anything even indirectly associated with him

is glorious, such type of people are called possessors of hellish

mentality. The interpretation i have put forward for padma purana

verse is supported by bhagavata, gita and sruti and logic[scriptural

logic]. Where as your interpretation of that verse that arca is

absolutely identical to Visnu svarupa is neither there in the

sanskrit of the verse, nor is substantiated by scriptures. All that

you have given so far are purports of saintly person, SP and others.

But i am sure you will agree, if they are found to conflict with

scriptures, preference will be given to scriptures. It is totally

upto you to accept this or refute it or ignore it.


As a side note SP is not flawless. I discovered this, when i was

reading his commentary on BG 15.18. There he has quoted Chandogya

Upanisad 8.12.3 to describe paramatma the localized aspect of

Supreme. This is wrong understanding of the Chandogya verse. Since

this is beyond the scope of present topic, i shall not discuss this

here anymore, but i can start a new topic about this.



Your Servant Always,


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