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ye tv aksaram anirdesyam

avyaktam paryupasate

sarvatra-gam acintyam ca

kuta-stham acalam dhruvam



sarvatra sama-buddhayah

te prapnuvanti mam eva

sarva-bhuta-hite ratah




ye--those who; tu--but; aksaram--that which is beyond the perception

of the senses; anirdesyam--indefinite; avyaktam--unmanifested;

paryupasate--completely engage in worshiping;

sarvatra-gam--all-pervading; acintyam--inconceivable; ca--also;

kuta-stham--unchanging; acalam--immovable; dhruvam--fixed;

sanniyamya--controlling; indriya-gramam--all the senses;

sarvatra--everywhere; sama-buddhayah--equally disposed; te--they;

prapnuvanti--achieve; mam--Me; eva--certainly; sarva-bhuta-hite--for

the welfare of all living entities; ratah--engaged.




But those who fully worship the unmanifested, that which lies beyond

the perception of the senses, the all-pervading, inconceivable,

unchanging, fixed and immovable--the impersonal conception of the

Absolute Truth--by controlling the various senses and being equally

disposed to everyone, such persons, engaged in the welfare of all, at

last achieve Me.




Those who do not directly worship the Supreme Godhead, Krsna, but who

attempt to achieve the same goal by an indirect process, also

ultimately achieve the same goal, Sri Krsna. "After many births the

man of wisdom seeks refuge in Me, knowing that Vasudeva is all." When

a person comes to full knowledge after many births, he surrenders unto

Lord Krsna. If one approaches the Godhead by the method mentioned in

this verse, he has to control the senses, render service to everyone

and engage in the welfare of all beings. It is inferred that one has

to approach Lord Krsna, otherwise there is no perfect realization.

Often there is much penance involved before one fully surrenders unto



In order to perceive the Supersoul within the individual soul, one has

to cease the sensual activities of seeing, hearing, tasting, working,

etc. Then one comes to understand that the Supreme Soul is present

everywhere. Realizing this, one envies no living entity--he sees no

difference between man and animal because he sees soul only, not the

outer covering. But for the common man, this method of impersonal

realization is very difficult.


Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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