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Chaitanya's form

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Let me address your question based on what I have read


achintya, "v_raja_ram" <v_raja_ram> wrote:

> did caitanya have thread and shika ? as a sannyasi of sankara line,

> he should have given up his tuft and brahmin thread. also, he


> have accepted tridanda. but caitanya seems to have not done any of

> these if we go by the current depictions in iskcon and gaudiya

> tradition.


Chaitanya is reported to have discarded his turf and sacred thread

(sikha & sutra) at the time he took sanyasa from Kesava Bharati at

Katwa and his staff - ekadanda symbolic of His asceticism, was broken

by Nityananda.


Tridanda was introduced into the Gaudiya system by Bhaktisiddhanta

swami after spending some time in Sriperumpudur (Ramanujacarya's

birthplace) studying Sri vaisnava rituals/etiquette on worship,

sanyasa etc (refer to Bhaktisiddhanta's Autobiography - "A Ray of



> in caitanya bhagavatha, sarvabhauma chastises him for giving up his

> shika and bramin thread. and says that a sannyasi tinks that he is

> very knowledgeable holding his tridanda - indirectly referring to

> caitanya's own tridanda.


> one way iskcon can resolve it is by saying that we dont worship the

> sannyasi form of the lord but the grahastha form, which is

> acceptable.


Grhastha form - then what about his two consorts - Lakmipriya and



> but is there any other explanation for not depicting the

> sannyasa form of the lord ? is there any deity form of the lord

> that depicts him as one without the shika and thread - with

> tridanda ?

> what is the earliest extant deity form of the lord ?


I believe the Gaudiya mutts (not Iskcon) tend to worship Chaitanya in

His sanyasa form.

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