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yo na hrsyati na dvesti

na socati na kanksati


bhaktiman yah sa me priyah




yah--one who; na--never; hrsyati--takes pleasure; na--never;

dvesti--grieves; na--never; socati--laments; na--never;

kanksati--desires; subha--of the auspicious; asubha--and the

inauspicious; parityagi--renouncer; bhakti-man--devotee; yah--one who;

sah--he is; me--to Me; priyah--dear.




One who neither rejoices nor grieves, who neither laments nor desires,

and who renounces both auspicious and inauspicious things--such a

devotee is very dear to Me.




A pure devotee is neither happy nor distressed over material gain and

loss, nor is he very much anxious to get a son or disciple, nor is he

distressed by not getting them. If he loses anything which is very

dear to him, he does not lament. Similarly, if he does not get what he

desires, he is not distressed. He is transcendental in the face of all

kinds of auspicious, inauspicious and sinful activities. He is

prepared to accept all kinds of risks for the satisfaction of the

Supreme Lord. Nothing is an impediment in the discharge of his

devotional service. Such a devotee is very dear to Krsna.


Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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