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Maha mantra :krishna is first?

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The following is from Sesi-khanda of Vayu Purana. These verses predict the

advent of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the most merciful avatara of Lord Krsna.


though it describes abt maharaprabhu.. there is a mention of maha mantra with

krsihna first and rama second..




Sri Gautama said:


Hearing Brahma's words, Lord Visnu, the infallible Supreme Personality of

Godhead, spoke to the demigods words that revealed the most secret of secrets.

He said:


diti ja bhuvi jayadhvam jayadhvam bhaktarupinah

kalau sankirtanarambhe bhavisyami sacisutah


O demigods, please take birth as devotees on the earth. I will take birth as

Saci-devi's son and I will start the sankirtana movement, a movement of chanting

the holy names.


kriite japai mama pritis tretayam homakarmabhih

dvapare paricaryabhih kalau sankirtanair api


In Satya-yuga I am pleased by japa, in Treta-yuga by yajna and karma, in

Dvapara-yuga by worship, and in Kali-yuga I am pleased by the chanting of the

holy names.




bruhi me karunasindho kirtanam kim svarupakam

katham vatra bhagavtah para pritir bhavisyati


The demigod Brahma said:


O ocean of mercy, please describe to us the nature of this movement of chanting

the Lord's holy name. How should it be performed so that Your Lordship will be

most pleased?


sri bhagavan uvaca


srnu brahman pravaksyami sankirtanam atah param

samahitamana bhutva sarat sarataram hi yat


The Supreme Personality of Godhead said:


O Brahma, please listen carefully and I will describe to you the most exalted

sankirtana movement.


banamargair vedamargai ripunam tatra sanksayam

bhaktanam taranam kritva khyapitam vayashah ksitau


Walking either on the path of arrows or the path of the Vedas, I deliver the

devotees, destroy their enemies, and place My glory on the earth.


kalau nastadrisam esa matpadyarka udesyati


For they who have become blinded by Kali-yuga, a verse with My holy names will

rise like a glorious sun. This verse is:


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


sakrid dvistrir yathasakti yavaj jivam athapi va

vyaaharan svapaco 'pi syan mama bhakto na samsayah


One should chant this mantra once, twice, thrice, as many times as one is able,

or again and again for as long as one lives. By chanting this mantra even a

person who was a dogeater may become My devotee. Of this there is no doubt.


sarvavedavido viprah puranagamaparagah

na cen madbhaktabhaktas te dure tisthanti varitah


Even if they are learned in all the Vedas and even if they have traveled to the

farther shore of the Agamas and Puranas, they who are not devotees of My

devotees cannot approach Me. They must stay far away from Me.





PS: the link https://www.vedamsbooks.com/no17155.htm does not say about Seshi

khanda however!












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where is this from(source) ? Because, there are so many predictions which are

missing and hence in a way don't serve any purpose if we want to make a point.





RAJGOPAL <scooty_ram wrote:


The following is from Sesi-khanda of Vayu Purana. These verses predict the

advent of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the most merciful avatara of Lord Krsna.


though it describes abt maharaprabhu.. there is a mention of maha mantra with

krsihna first and rama second..



PS: the link https://www.vedamsbooks.com/no17155.htm does not say about Seshi

khanda however!











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it is very hard to find upanishadic or puranic source of the

mahamantra. i learn from reliable sources that the hare krishna form

of the mahamantra is mentioned in caitanya bhagvatha bengali

manuscripts also. as a contemporary literature of mahaprabhu, it is a

strong evidence that caitanya mahaprabhu did chant hare krishna



it has not been possible to track this form of the mantra in the

upanishads and puranas. even it is not known if kalisantarana is

quoted in any of the early works of the gaudiya sampradaya. also the

existence of the recension with hare krishna form is debatable.


however, vedic and puranic evidence is not very important as history

has recorded that gaudiyas have been able to attract the attention of

the lord by using the hare krishna form of the mantra through their

intense love for krishna. this goes to prove that nama is not

dependant on structural rules.


achintya, ranganathan narasimhan

<simhan74> wrote:

> where is this from(source) ? Because, there are so many predictions

which are missing and hence in a way don't serve any purpose if we

want to make a point.


> Dasa

> Narasimhan


> RAJGOPAL <scooty_ram> wrote:


> The following is from Sesi-khanda of Vayu Purana. These verses

predict the advent of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the most merciful

avatara of Lord Krsna.


> though it describes abt maharaprabhu.. there is a mention of maha

mantra with krsihna first and rama second..



> PS: the link https://www.vedamsbooks.com/no17155.htm does not say

about Seshi khanda however!




> Thanx







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achintya, "v_raja_ram" <v_raja_ram> wrote:


> strong evidence that caitanya mahaprabhu did chant hare krishna

> mahamantra.


I don't think there was ever any doubt that Chaitanya chanted the

Hare Krishna mahaamantra.


also the

> existence of the recension with hare krishna form is debatable.


Why is that? Why is it that only the "Hare Krishna" recensions are

debateable and not the "Hare Raama" recensions? Is there some

objective basis on which this conclusion is offered?


> however, vedic and puranic evidence is not very important as


> has recorded that gaudiyas have been able to attract the attention


> the lord by using the hare krishna form of the mantra through their

> intense love for krishna. this goes to prove that nama is not

> dependant on structural rules.


The above logic is far from watertight. So the validity of the mantra

depends on its popular appeal? Then before Chaitanya it had no

validity, but after Chaitanya, now it is acceptable?


Either something is bona fide or it is not. Many people think that

Sai Baba has attracted the attention of the Lord by his "preaching"

activities worldwide, but that does not prove that the mantras he

offers are genuine.

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