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ya evam vetti purusam

prakrtim ca gunaih saha

sarvatha vartamano 'pi

na sa bhuyo 'bhijayate




yah--anyone who; evam--thus; vetti--understands; purusam--the living

entity; prakrtim--material nature; ca--and; gunaih--the modes of

material nature; saha--with; sarvatha--in all ways; vartamanah--being

situated; api--in spite of; na--never; sah--he; bhuyah--again;

abhijayate--takes his birth.




One who understands this philosophy concerning material nature, the

living entity and the interaction of the modes of nature is sure to

attain liberation. He will not take birth here again, regardless of

his present position.




Clear understanding of material nature, the Supersoul, the individual

soul and their interrelation makes one eligible to become liberated

and turn to the spiritual atmosphere without being forced to return to

this material nature. This is the result of knowledge. The purpose of

knowledge is to understand distinctly that the living entity has by

chance fallen into this material existence. By his personal endeavor

in association with authorities, saintly persons and a spiritual

master, he has to understand his position and then revert to spiritual

consciousness or Krsna consciousness by understanding Bhagavad-gita as

it is explained by the Personality of Godhead. Then it is certain that

he will never come again into this material existence; he will be

transferred into the spiritual world for a blissful eternal life of



Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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