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understanding Krsna

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>From Sri Prameya-ratnavali by Baladeva Vidyahusana:


Text 8: "A summary of the Vaisnava philosophy follow: Madhvacarya taught:


1. Lord Visnu is the Absolute Truth, than whom nothing is higher.


2. He is known by study of the Vedas.


3. The material world is real.


4. The jivas are different from Lord Visnu.


5. The jivas are by nature servants of Lord Visnu's lotus feet.


6. In both the conditioned and liberated states, the jivas are situated in

higher and lower statuses.


7. Liberation does not mean an impersonal merging, but the attainment of Lord

Visnu's lotus feet.


8. Pure devotional service grants liberation.


9. Direct perception, logic and Vedic authority are the three sources of actual



These same truths are also taught by the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself

in His appearance as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu."


So here is a nice resolution of how in the Gaudiya sampradaya, we honor and

accept the basic truths taught by Madhva, which includes a statement about

acceptable evidence. Nonetheless sabda is indisputable whereas pratyaksa and

logic may be faulty.


Rupa-vilasa dasa




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