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sattvam sukhe sanjayati

rajah karmani bharata

jnanam avrtya tu tamah

pramade sanjayaty uta




sattvam--the mode of goodness; sukhe--in happiness; sanjayati--binds;

rajah--the mode of passion; karmani--in fruitive activity; bharata--O

son of Bharata; jnanam--knowledge; avrtya--covering; tu--but;

tamah--the mode of ignorance; pramade--in madness; sanjayati--binds;

uta--it is said.




O son of Bharata, the mode of goodness conditions one to happiness;

passion conditions one to fruitive action; and ignorance, covering

one's knowledge, binds one to madness.




A person in the mode of goodness is satisfied by his work or

intellectual pursuit, just as a philosopher, scientist or educator may

be engaged in a particular field of knowledge and may be satisfied in

that way. A man in the mode of passion may be engaged in fruitive

activity; he owns as much as he can and spends for good causes.

Sometimes he tries to open hospitals, give to charity institutions,

etc. These are signs of one in the mode of passion. And the mode of

ignorance covers knowledge. In the mode of ignorance, whatever one

does is good neither for him nor for anyone.


Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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