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Sarvabhauma & Sankara - Clarification

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Chaitanya Bhagavatha Antya Khanda Chapter Three Para 15 Page 619

Translation by SarvabhAvana Dasa


In the previous paragraphs, Sarvabhauma talks to Sri Caitanya about

the importance of devotional service to lord Krishna and then says


"After these scriptural evidences, if one still insists upon saying

that SankarAchArya is not of the same opinion, then I will quote some

thing that Sankaracharya Himself has composed, which indicaes his

desire to serve the lord. He said, "O Lord, although the jiva and

Brahman are non-different qualitatively, I, a jiva soul, am always

under Your control and my existence depends entirely upon You and not

vice-versa. There is no qualitative difference between the ocean and

its waves, but still the waves exist because of the ocean and not the

other way around."


Being a mayavadi sannyasi, how did Sarvabhauma conclude tha devotion

to Sri Krishna is the supreme ? Also, why does he differ from the

common understanding of Sankara's works ?


Thanks in advance for the clarification based on any gaudiya

acharya's works.

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