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Did Sarvabhauma support sannyasa ?

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Chaitanya Bhagavatha Antya Khanda Chapter Three Para 7 - 11


Page 618 Translation by SarvabhAvana Dasa


Sarvabhauma, says to Sri Caitanya


"However, being such an intelligent person, what prompted you

to take to the renounced order of life ? Please try to analyse

and understand what, actualy, is to be gained by taking

sannyasa. The first thing that happens upon taking sannyasa is

that the person is immediately attacked by pride.


By holding the sannyasa danda, he thinks that he is empowered

with special knowledge and from then on never folds his hands

or bows his head to anyone. When he meets a saintly soul, who

according to the Vedas, is to be worshipped by smearing the

dust from his lotus feet upon one's head. the sannyasi simply

offers respect to him, not feeling any reason to be cautious.

This sort of arrogance is not at all healthy. Try to

understand this point from the verse of the Bhagavatham



Aware that the Supreme Personality of Godhead resides

alondside the soul in every body, one should offer dandavat

obeisances to every living being, even to dogs, cows, mules

and outcastes.


This is the proper standard for a Vaishnava, and only a

charlatan devotee will act otherwise. The only thing that one

gains by taking sannyasa is that one shaves off his sikha and

receives respect and honour from many persons. This certainly

is one big waste and thus the next disaster is that he loses

all good sense.


The living entity is meant to worship and serve the Supreme

Lord but instead of that, the sannyasi calls himself,

Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead."


This is what Sarvabhauma, the mayavadi ( a.k.a advaitin) sannyasi,

says to Sri Caitanya denouncing taking up sannyasa. On the same topic

he continues as follows in the same Chapter Three (Para 17 - 19) of

Antya Khanda of Chaitanya Bhagavatha Page 620 Translation by

SarvabhAvana Dasa


"A sannyasi should utter the name of Narayana incessantly with

loving devotion, but without this devotional attitude there is

no advantage in becoming a renunciant. Consequently, I ask you

why you have embarked upon this idea of becoming a sannyasi ?

If you want to deliver the world by distributing the science

of devotional service to Sri Krishna, then what compunction drove you

to shave off you sikha and discard your brahmana thread ?


If you argue that great spiritual stalwarts like Madhavendra Puri

also became mendicants shaving off their hair and so on, then I will

reply that you are not yet of the age to accept renounced order.

These stalwarts took sannyas only after three quarters of their life

had passed and after they had relished enough of social life.

Whereas, you have just entered the youth of life - how can you

justify taking sannyasa ?


How can the renounced order help you to advance in spiritual

realization, considering the devotion you already possess - as I saw

manifest in your person ? All these ecstatic symptoms of love of

Krsna are rarely achieved even by the great yogis, then why did you

opt to be misled by illusion ?"



To my dull intellect, the following in statements in CC appear

contradictory to what is stated in CB above. Caitanya Caritamrta,

Madhya Lila, Chapter 6, Text 69 - Text 76


"The sannyasi is vey meek and humble by nature, and His person is

very beautiful to see. Consequently my affection for Him increases.



>From which sampradaya has He accepted sannyasa order, and what is His

name ? (M.6.70)


Gopinatha Acharya replied : "The Lord's name is Sri Krishna Caitanya

and His sannyasa precepor is the greatly fortunate Kesava



Sarvabhauma said,"Sri Krsna is a very good name, but He belongs to

the Bharati community. Therefore He is a secon-class sannyasi."



Gopinatha Acharya replied:"Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu does not

rely on any external formality. There is no need for Him to accept

the sannyasa order from a superior sampradaya". (M.6.73)


Sarvabhauma inquired : "Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is in His full-

fledged youthful life. How can He keep the principles of sannyasa ?"



I shall continually recite the Vedanta philosophy before Caitanya

Mahaprabhu so that He may remain fixed in His renunciation and thus

enter upon the path of monism." (M.6.75)


Sarvabhauma then suggested,"If Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would like, I

could bring Him in to a first class sampradaya by ofering saffron

cloth and performing the reformatory process again"



I request clarification based on works of gaudiya acharyas. I learn

that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta has resolved this contradition. If some

one can post his purport, I would appreciate it.

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