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sad-bhave sadhu-bhave ca

sad ity etat prayujyate

prasaste karmani tatha

sac-chabdah partha yujyate


yajne tapasi dane ca

sthitih sad iti cocyate

karma caiva tad-arthiyam

sad ity evabhidhiyate




sat-bhave--in the sense of the nature of the Supreme; sadhu-bhave--in

the sense of the nature of the devotee; ca--also; sat--the word sat;

iti--thus; etat--this; prayujyate--is used; prasaste--in bona fide;

karmani--activities; tatha--also; sat-sabdah--the sound sat; partha--O

son of Prtha; yujyate--is used; yajne--in sacrifice; tapasi--in

penance; dane--in charity; ca--also; sthitih--the situation; sat--the

Supreme; iti--thus; ca--and; ucyate--is pronounced; karma--work;

ca--also; eva--certainly; tat--for that; arthiyam--meant; sat--the

Supreme; iti--thus; eva--certainly; abhidhiyate--is indicated.




The Absolute Truth is the objective of devotional sacrifice, and it is

indicated by the word sat. The performer of such sacrifice is also

called sat, as are all works of sacrifice, penance and charity which,

true to the absolute nature, are performed to please the Supreme

Person, O son of Prtha.




The words prasaste karmani, or "prescribed duties," indicate that

there are many activities prescribed in the Vedic literature which are

purificatory processes, beginning from the time of conception up to

the end of one's life. Such purificatory processes are adopted for the

ultimate liberation of the living entity. In all such activities it is

recommended that one vibrate om tat sat. The words sad-bhave and

sadhu-bhave indicate the transcendental situation. Acting in Krsna

consciousness is called sattva, and one who is fully conscious of the

activities of Krsna consciousness is called a sadhu. In the

Srimad-Bhagavatam (3.25.25) it is said that the transcendental subject

matter becomes clear in the association of the devotees. The words

used are satam prasangat. Without good association, one cannot achieve

transcendental knowledge. When initiating a person or offering the

sacred thread, one vibrates the words om tat sat. Similarly, in all

kinds of performance of yajna the object is the Supreme, om tat sat.

The word tad-arthiyam further means offering service to anything which

represents the Supreme, including such service as cooking and helping

in the Lord's temple, or any other kind of work for broadcasting the

glories of the Lord. These supreme words om tat sat are thus used in

many ways to perfect all activities and make everything complete.


Copyright 1983 The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International. Used with


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