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> Thus is it that lord assumes forms which is both material and spiritual

> and thus the perception varies between the seer and demons?


The Lord is only spiritual but the perception of demons is material. At the

Deity installation in LA Srila Prabhupada said:


And if you think it is a brass-made doll, I mean to say, idol... Ye yatha

mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham [bg. 4.11]. If you think this is

a brass-made idol, then it will remain a brass-made idol to you forever. But

if you elevate yourself to higher platform of Krsna consciousness, then

Krsna, this Krsna, will talk with you. This Krsna will talk with you.

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sahasra koti pranams maharaj,

Thanx a lot for the reply.

I completely accept lord is always transcendental and unctouched by material


However i have little more doubt wrt this.

If duryodhana saw krsna as an ordinary man,then it reflects the idea that lord

assumes material form for demons ,otherwise duryodhana would have seen one

(neither Lord not a normal man).

Thus is it that avatar has minimum 2 aspects of forms:

1.Material one for demons

2.Spiritual for devotees




Rajagopal Jayaraman


Bhakti Vikasa Swami <Bhakti.Vikasa.Swami wrote:

> Thus is it that lord assumes forms which is both material and spiritual

> and thus the perception varies between the seer and demons?


The Lord is only spiritual but the perception of demons is material. At the

Deity installation in LA Srila Prabhupada said:


And if you think it is a brass-made doll, I mean to say, idol... Ye yatha

mam prapadyante tams tathaiva bhajamy aham [bg. 4.11]. If you think this is

a brass-made idol, then it will remain a brass-made idol to you forever. But

if you elevate yourself to higher platform of Krsna consciousness, then

Krsna, this Krsna, will talk with you. This Krsna will talk with you.



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"And yet Lord Krsna as He is appears once every twenty-four hours of

Brahma's time (or after a lapse of 8,640,000,000 solar years) in each and

every universe, and all His transcendental pastimes are displayed in each

and every universe in a routine spool. But in that routine spool the

functions of Lord Krsna, Lord Vasudeva, etc. are complex problems for the

layman. There is no difference between the Lord's Self and the Lord's

transcendental body. The expansions execute different activities. When the

Lord, however, appears in His person as Lord Sri Krsna, His other plenary

portions also join in Him by His inconceivable potency called yogamaya, and

thus the Lord Krsna of Vrndavana is different from the Lord Krsna of Mathura

or the Lord Krsna of Dvaraka. The virat-rupa of Lord Krsna is also different

from Him, by His inconceivable potency. The virat-rupa exhibited on the

Battlefield of Kuruksetra is the material conception of His form. Therefore,

it should be understood that when Lord Krsna was apparently killed by the

bow and arrow of the hunter, the Lord left His so-called material body in

the material world. The Lord is kaivalya, and for Him there is no difference

between matter and spirit because everything is created from Him. Therefore

His quitting one sort of body or accepting another body does not mean that

He is like the ordinary living being. All such activities are simultaneously

one and different by His inconceivable potency...That the Lord left His body

means that He left again His plenary portions in the respective dhamas

(transcendental abodes), as He left His virat-rupa in the material world.


(SB 1.14.9 purport by ACBSP)


So it appears that just as the demoniac can see the form of the

Deity--seeing matter, the devotee can see the same Deity -- seeing spirit.

Everything is possible for Krsna. He can transform matter to spirit and vice

versa without any difficulty.


Rupa-vilasa dasa

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Krsna is always transcendental so any material

conception of Him is actually maya. Similarly an

atheist may see a devotee as a fool in illusion but

the reverse is actually true. When we awaken from a

dream we realize the whole experience to be fictitious

so the demons are dreaming that they have become God

and in that state everything is distorted out of

shape. Prabhupada gives the example of a beggar

wearing a crown declaring himself a king but he isn't

actually a king only Krsna is the real king and this

is reality.








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We know demons do see the lord.If we say it is illusion ,then all lilas with

repsect to lord killing becomes an Illusion again(we may say there is no killing

in goloka,still BG says Krsna destroys demons).


I jus got an example to what i had asked... ravan kidnapped"MAYA" sita,since

demon can not have access to divine things.

So can we simply say that lord also appears to exhibit such a type of "MAYA"

form for demons to access?

However the example of hiranyakashipu and nrsingha seems not to explain this

concept of "MAYA" form as an aspect of avatar since the killing is what the main

theme of this avatar.


wade onthenet <wadeonthenet wrote:

Krsna is always transcendental so any material

conception of Him is actually maya. Similarly an

atheist may see a devotee as a fool in illusion but

the reverse is actually true. When we awaken from a

dream we realize the whole experience to be fictitious

so the demons are dreaming that they have become God

and in that state everything is distorted out of

shape. Prabhupada gives the example of a beggar

wearing a crown declaring himself a king but he isn't

actually a king only Krsna is the real king and this

is reality.








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