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Padayatra America - Report 27

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*Padayatra América report 27*


We stop in a sorgo plant after Manuel and meet "Cesar" a smiling Mexican

man with big hat and boots, a big belly a mustache and a good heart. He

came to know us and invited us to stay to rest for a few days.


During those days very quickly i saw a transformation of his heart...


"Sri Nityananda prabhu, having blessed with His causeless mercy Jagai

and Madhai quickly left that place, but let them taste the nectar of the

Holy Name."


Gradually his curiosity turned into personal counsel; reading sastra and

every night taking prasada. He liked it so much he always came for a

second plate.


During these days I saw him slowly approach the Deities: first a glance,

then coming over to the wagon , then an inquiry..."are They saints?"


I reply. "Yes, something like that....Divine Personalities distributing

a message of love for God for the welfare of the world."


"Do They perform miracles?"


"Oh yes" I laugh, "Just look at where we are and where we are coming from!"


He smiled and remarked "Yes, that´s a miracle."


The next day he came in a very personal mood and revealed his mind to me

"I know you are just passing by.....but I´m sure that They (Deities)

came here to change my life. They are performing a miracle with me and

my almost broken family."


He went on to say that he is learning the maha-mantra and trying to

chant, and that he is seeing life in a different perspective. I listen

and fan his spark of devotion toward the Deity.


The night before we leave he came in front of the Deities to offer

prayers, afterwards he ask (without shyness) "Do you have a picture of

Them I can have?"


"Sure"....we give a picture and then very happy he says "I´m going to

put Them on an altar and pray to Them".


He was happy, thankful with devotion took his picture and looked at Sri

NitaiGaurasundara and left asking us to keep in touch via e-mail.


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna moving on...


We are coming close to Naranjos. The road is very busy and hilly. After

some 20 km (12 miles) of travel continuously up a mountain we reach

Cerro Azul- a classic mountain town with a Latin American

infrastructure. There is a church on the biggest hill centrally located.

The roads are horrible- every 200 meters up and down; still life is

going on. The Lord had a festival here in this town, and as a custom,

people bring fresh fruits inquire about the Deites and the mission.

After talking with one gentleman he ask at what time we will

depart.....35 minutes later he returned in a truck loaded with

people--old ladies, young girls and boys without shirt. A man with a big

hat brought some oranges smiling; in fact everybody brought something to



Meanwhile, we were feeding the horses and talking with people when

suddenly I look back at the Deities to see a short lady making a big

effort to pick up her granddaughter who was trying to touch the Deity.

For a moment internally I got alarmed--this never happened before!

People may have asked, and we reply that they can pray to Them and that

is also powerful. But this time it was different; she never asked- but

being greedy for Krsna´s mercy simply went forward. I look at the

Deity...."Well,this is why You are here my Lord, to distribute Your

causeless mercy." Obviously I was not going to break such an act of

devotion by chastising her, so I came and explained how fortunate she

was for doing that. Seeing them start to load back into the truck one by

one, I returned to care of the animals......Hearing a small commotion I

turn around to see another 4 ladies respectfully touch the left hand of

Lord Caitanya!!


These people- mlechas (as I was) have received quite a unique mercy.


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has come to their village and their greediness

for mercy has allowed them to touch the vigraha form of the Lord. Hare

Krsna! The Deities were smiling; this is the mercy of Lord Gaurasundara.


The village woman of Jaganatha Puri stepped on the body of Lord Caitanya

by the greed of mercy of Lord Jaganatha. As a result she received the

opportunity to look at and even more to touch the Lord personally.


This village woman in Cerro Azul by greed for mercy glanced upon and

even touched the beautiful form of Lord Gaurasundara. No rules or

regulation was able to limit the Lord´s reciprocation.....


Moving on...at night I place the mosquito net (mostly transparent) on

the sides of the altar/ palenquin in that way the Deites cannot be

reached again from the outside.




We are going towards Tuxpan- the road is the most degraded we have been

in the sense of potholes and the most hilly/curvy--very dangerous! Up

and down- miles and miles of climbing then down again towards the ocean-

they say it´s flat but let´s see. Balaji is in the center with

RadhaKunda and Manjari on either side. They are pulling the Lord hard

through these "hills". Here in Mexico there is no question of flat land.

Even on the coastal route there are mountainous areas.


On a hill near Tuxpan we see a church more than 500 years old-

traditional big strong stone; remnants of the Maya culture. Monday we

reach Tuxpan.


The Lord has His plan, and within that scope the mercy is already

distributed. It is just time that seperates us from witnessing the

beautiful arrangements.....



©2005 - Padayatra Office


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