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["Matha" is a Sanskrit and Bengali word meaning: "a monastery, temple,

hermitage, school, or college." The following essay speaking about the

qualifications, activities, and attitude of the residents of a matha, was

translated from a Bengali article that first appeared in an issue of Nadiya

Prakasa, the daily devotional newspaper started by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta

Saraswati Thakur. As was common practice for the journals started by Srila

Saraswati Thakur, no name was given for the author of this article. Nor did

the book it was published in give a date, however it is clear that it was

written sometime after the disappearance of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta. --



Mathanti vasanti chatra yasmin iti mathah - that place where spiritual

students are living under the subordination of an acarya is a matha. A

general house is for sense enjoyment but the matha is an institution for the

service of the Supreme Lord Hari. That place where the mood of enjoyment is

very prominent, everyone is very busy trying to establish their superiority

and are full of anxiety how to become the lords of others. In contrast to

that, is the place of non-duplicitous topics of service to the Lord where

the principal of subordination is fully present and every one is trying to

be good.


Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Prabhupada, the crest jewel among the

followers of Sri Rupa Goswami has established matha or mission in order to

serve the visaya-vigraha or supreme object of worship, under subordination

of the asraya-vigraha, or abode of shelter, of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas who

are the followers of Sri Krishna Caitanya Deva the inaugurator of the

sankirtana movement.


The word "matha" always indicates that which is both the shelter adhara, and

the object of shelter adheya, understood as both the abode of the Lord and

the residents there who are asraya-vigraha the personifications of shelter.


The matha is the place where the Lord's deity form is surrounded by many

pure hearted devotees who are always engaged in discharging loving service

under the guidance and instruction of their spiritual master. matha means an

organization, a regular permanent assembly or mission of devotees where

everyone is engaged wholeheartedly in congregational chanting of the holy

name of Lord Hari. There the resident devotees twenty-four hours a day,

following the instructions of their spiritual master, engage in preaching

the holy name and maintain perfect transcendental harmony, enjoying

themselves along with others in loving devotional service to the deity of



In ancient times Vishnu temples were called mathas. So, the matha is not a

modern imaginary concept. Submission is the very life of the matha. The

principle of subordination is the backbone of devotional service and another

name for bhakti. The residents of the matha render non-duplicitous

devotional service to the spiritual master, twenty-four hours a day. Unless

one's subordination is genuine, one cannot be addressed as a matha-vasi, a

resident of the matha. The other meanings of the word matha-vasi are:

antebasi - "one dwelling in the guru's asrama";siksarthi - "one who is

desirous of learning"; and sisya - "a student or a disciple". The

matha-vasi, strives to understand the desire of his guru by rendering menial

service unto his lotus feet. To fulfill the guru's desire is the only duty

of a matha-vasi.


One who is artificial or duplicitous in the service of the acarya is not

eligible to live in the matha. Such artificial behavior leaves the religion

of brahmacarya, sannyasa, vanaprastha, and grhastha unprotected. The extent

that one is actually a matha-vasi can be determined by one's love and

non-duplicitous dedication to the lotus feet of acarya of the matha.


In spite of unbearable troubles, severe calamities, and immense humiliation,

a real matha-vasi will never give up the service of his guru. He never feels

discouraged to see the reluctance of common masses of this universe to

accept non-duplicitous devotional service, rather he remains steady in his

own bhajana; krsna-katha-sravana-kirtana. Considering himself lower than the

straw in the street and being more tolerant than a tree such a devotee

always engages in the kirtana of Hari under the guidance of the

asraya-vigraha, in order to satisfy the transcendental senses of the

absolute truth. He knows that life after life the dust of his guru's lotus

feet is his eternal position and his everything. He is not attached or

detached to anyone in this material world. So much danger may come, everyone

in this world may become independent [i.e.: Uninterested in spiritual

matters], still I will not give up my vow of serving Sri Guru and Gauranga,

that kind of sincerity and determination should always be present in the

heart of a real matha-vasi.


A matha-vasi should always consider himself to be maintained by his guru.

Considering himself lower than the straw in the street, his attitude is that

I am the property of my spiritual master. Knowing his own position he is a

beggar of and a dependent on mercy. He is always hankering for mercy and is

more tolerant than a tree. He is forgiving. He has neither enemies nor

friends in this material world. He sees everyone equally. He considers any

kind of danger and distress to be the mercy of the Lord and is undisturbed.

Considering himself a wretched beggar he is always praying for mercy. He is

always free from desires for false prestige and position. Knowing that guru

and Krishna reside in every living entity, he respects everyone accordingly.

Carrying on his head the order of Sriman Mahaprabhu, he chants the holy name

of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking himself lower than the straw

in the street; being more tolerant than a tree, devoid of all sense of false

prestige and being ready to offer all respect to others. In this state of

mind he chants the holy name of the Lord constantly.


Matha-basis never speak prajalpa, gossip or frivolous talks unrelated to

Krishna. They always practice yukta-vairagya engaging everything in the

service of the Lord. He is very loyal servant and decorated by humility. He

never considers himself to be the lord of anyone, but rather sees everyone

as his guru. Recognizing the sincere service attitude of those vaisnavas who

are rendering non-duplicitous service at the lotus feet of Sri Guru as the

hladini-krpa-vrtti - the mercy of the Lord's internal potency, the

matha-vasi offers sincere respects to them, while he himself, decorated with

a mood of non-duplicitous humble servitorship always remains eager to follow

the ideal constant service attitude exhibited by his spiritual master. He

never criticizes or talks about others. Since his heart is always strongly

searching for the absolute truth the faultfinding nature does not touch him.

Concentrating his mind upon the Lord, he is always chanting the holy name of

Krishna. He is determined to give up materialistic association and is always

associating with and hankering for more association of devotees. He is

always waiting for and expecting mercy.


Based on his internal realization, he has strong faith that there is no

other recourse than getting the mercy of sadhu-guru. A beggar of mercy, he

is always engaged in loving service with his body, mind and speech. He

always offers respect to others with folded hands. He is always thinking in

his mind, amara saman hina nahi e samsare - "No one in this world is more

fallen than myself." This consideration naturally arises in his heart. He

never forgets the lotus feet of the Lord even for a fraction of moment. In

happiness or distress, good fortune, and danger, in all situations, he is

always absorbed in devotional service. He considers everyone his guru. He

never acts for himself. He is always engaged in the service of guru and

Krishna. He loves Sri Guru and Gauranga and considers them his own. He is

affectionate and clever. Krsna krpa karivena drda kari jane - "He has full

faith that Krishna will shower His mercy." He is always connected with his

worshipable deity. Describing Srila Raghunath Das Goswami; Shivananda Sena

said (Cc. antya 6.253):

ratri-dina kare tenho nama-sankirtana

ksana-matra nahi chade prabhura carana

"He chants the Hare Krishna maha-mantra all day and night. He never gives

up the shelter of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, even for a moment.


There is a difference between the matha-vasi and the niskincana nirjana-vasi

(those who have no material possessions and who are staying in a solitary

place or living under the shade of a tree). The matha-vasi follows certain

rules and regulations under the guidance of a bona-fide acarya and thereby

obtains the most auspicious thing. The niskincana nirjana-vasi doesn't act

under anyone's guidance.


The matha is a spiritual hospital. For their eternal benefit various types

of bhava-rogis, (patients suffering from the disease of conditioned life)

are staying there. One should not consider that all of the patients are in

same category. Among the bhava-rogis some are suffering from chronic

disease, some are getting better and some are almost well. So one should not

consider them all on same level. In this hospital there is a sadhu-vaidya

(spiritual doctor) and he has assistants. One should not consider this

doctor and his assistant as patients. The diet and accommodation for a

patient is not the same as that of a healthy man. So one should not become

bewildered seeing different arrangements in the hospital. To advance

spiritually one should follow the prescribed rules and regulations under the

guidance of the spiritual doctor.


(Note from BVS: This rough translation was sent to me some time ago and its

source is unknown to me.)

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