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Gaudiya Vaishnava sampradaya and Siva as Sanakara

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Hare Krishna,




Generally the advaitins claim that Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami was the first to

introduce the MAyAvAdam asat sastram verse from the supposedly interpolated

section of padma purana viz. uttara kanda. But, other acharyas before him too

have quoted the same and so the bbelief that Lord Siva comes as Sankara to

preach Mayavadam as false doctrine is clearly present in the works of other

contemporary and near Contemporary scholars in Mahaprabhu's period.A few i noted





a) Sanatana Goswami in Brihad Bhagavatamrita Part 1. Ch.3




mayi närada varteta krpä-leso’pi ced dhareh |


tada kimpArijAtoshaharanAdau mayA ranah ||39||


kim mäm ärädhayed dasam kim etac cädishet prabhuh |


svägamaih kalpitais tvaà ca janän mad-vimukhän kuru ||40||




39 Narada, if I had received even a small particle of Lord Krsna's

mercy, would I have been willing to fight with Him over the parijata flower,

over Usa's kidnapping, and over so many other things?


40 Would He worship His own servant? Would the Lord have ordered me:

"With a philosophy of your invention make everyone averse to Me"?




Brihad Bhagavatamrita Part 2 Ch.3.




In his commentary to verses 108-111, (English translation by Kusakratha Prabhu)




Srila Sanatana Gosvami explains that the impersonal Brahman effulgence is

described in the Hari-vamsa, where Lord Krsna says to Arjuna:


"O best of the Bharatas, I am the divine Brahman effulgence that you

see. It is My eternal splendour."


"It is My superior potency. Although it is sometimes manifest and

sometimes not manifest, it is eternal. The greatest knowers of yoga enter it

and become liberated."


"O son of Prtha, it is the goal of the sankhya philosophers, the

yogis and the ascetics. It is My supreme Brahman effulgence, which pervades the

entire world."


"O scion of Bharata, you should know that this great effulgence is



That impersonal liberation is worthless is explained in the prayers

of Lord Brahma (Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.14.4), where it is compared to the empty

husks left remaining after rice is threshed.


That Lord Krsna ordered Lord Siva to preach the theory of mayavada

impersonalism is described in Padma Purana, Uttara-khand:


"The mayavada philosophy", Lord Siva informed his wife Parvati, "is

impious (asac-chastra). It is covered Buddhism. My dear Parvati, in the form

of a brahmana in Kali-yuga I teach this imagined mayavada philosophy. In order

to cheat the atheists, I describe the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be

without form and without qualities. Similarly, in explaining Vedanta I

described the same mayavada philosophy in order to mislead the entire population

toward atheism by denying the personal form of the Lord."*


This is also described in the Brhat-sahasra-nama, where Lord Krsna

orders Lord Siva:


"In Kali-yuga, mislead the people in general by propounding

imaginary meanings of the Vedas to bewilder them."*




b) Jiva Goswami quotes in Paramatma sandarbha in Anucheda 71.14




c) Locana dasa Thakura mentions in Caitanya mangala Ch.2 as follows:




'Narada, it's explained in the Brhat Sahasra-Nama-stotra that Lord Siva

appears in the beginning of Kali-yuga. He takes the form of Sankaracarya and

promotes atheism by preaching impersonal philosophy. In the Bhagavad-gita

(4.8,9), Krishna promises that whenever and wherever religion is reduced, He

comes to earth to remove atheism and reestablish religion. Due to ignorance

people in Kali-yuga become absorbed in sinful activities and sense

gratification. Thus, they remain bound in the miserable material existence.




Translation by Mahanidhi Swami (I don't have the bengali does someone have the

bengali text)



















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