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Jesus in the Vedas / God as father

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Yet there are devotees who are making extremely absurd extrapolations

based on this. This includes such ideas as:



Also they insist the Christian concept of God as father is in the

spiritual world. And they misuse Dvarakadisha Krishna's relations

with his sons to support this concept.


Srila Prabhupada and Srila Sridhara Maharaja do not agree about the

concept. And the said party overlooks the fact that Dvarakadisha is

having the son relationship not with jivas, but with Vishnu tattva.

In bhakti rasamrita sindhu their relation is called gaurava priti





Lecture SB 3.25.9 Bombay 11-9-74


Prahupada: The Christian conception of God as Father is not so

perfect. Because if we conceive God as Father and Mother, then the

policy is to take from Him. Because everyone wants to take from the

father: "Father, give me that. Mother, give me that."



Letter to Rupanuga San Francisco 3-12-68


Prabhupada: In the spiritual world there is no such relationship as

God as the father. In the material world such conception is

appreciated very much. In the material world everyone wants to take

from God because the conditioned soul wants to enjoy senses. And the

concept of fatherhood is to drag resources from the Supreme. But in

the spiritual world there is no question of drawing from the Supreme


Sridhara Maharaja: In the conception of God as father, we are what we

are and He is supplying our food, home, and necessities in this

plane. But if we truly approach Him, neglecting our wealth and

achievements in this world to make a genuine heart's approach - not

merely a formal approach - an exclusive approach - we shall discover

what He is, as He is, and not as He is needed by us in our fallen



Sridhara Maharaja: To conceive of God as our Father is an incomplete

understanding, for parents are also servitors. He must be in the

center; not in any extremity of the whole.


Caitanya Caritamrita Introduction


Prabhupada: We can become friends of Krishna not in awe or adoration

but in complete freedom. We can even relate to God as His father or

mother. This is the philosophy not only of the Caitanya-caritamrita

but of Srimad-Bhagavatam as well. There are no other scriptures in

the world in which God is treated as the son of a devotee. Usually

God is seen as the almighty father who supplies the demands of His

sons. The great devotees, however, sometimes treat God as a son in

their execution of devotional service. The son demands, and the

father and mother supply, and in supplying Krishna the devotee

becomes like a father or mother. Instead of taking from God, we give

to God.




Dvarakadisha's sons, all equal to their Father, are Vishnu tattva:



Krsna Book ch. 61


Krsna had 16,108 wives, and in each of them He begot ten sons, all of

them equal to their father in the opulences of strength, beauty,

wisdom, fame, wealth and renunciation.


SB 10.61.1: Sukadeva Gosvami said: Each of Lord Krsna's wives gave

birth to ten sons, who were not less than their father, having all

His personal opulence


SB 10.55.2: He took birth in the womb of Vaidarbhi from the seed of

Lord Krsna and received the name Pradyumna. In no respect was He

inferior to His father


SB 10.61.8-9: The first son of Queen Rukmini was Pradyumna, and also

born of her were Carudesna, Sudesna and the powerful Carudeha, along

with Sucaru, Carugupta, Bhadracaru, Carucandra, Vicaru and Caru, the

tenth. None of these sons of Lord Hari was less than his father

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