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Krishnas tu Bhagavan svayam- 6

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Dear all,


Hare Krishna.

I have collected few verses from various puranas which give the definition for

the name NarAyaNa. The personalities generally called so are the Lord of

Vaikuntha, Maha-Vishnu and Garbhodakasayi Vishnu.


Srimad Bhagavatham


ajAnantah prati-vidhim tUshnIm Asan suresvarAh tato vaikuntham agamad

bhAsvaram tamasah param yatra nArAyanah sAkshAn nyAsinAm paramo gatih

sAntAnAm nyasta-dandAnAm yato nAvartate gatah


The great demigods could only remain silent, not knowing how to counteract the

benediction. Then Lord Shiva reached the luminous realm of Vaikuntha, beyond all

darkness, where the Supreme Lord NArAyana is manifest. That realm is the

destination of renunciants who have attained peace and given up all violence

against other creatures. Going there, one never returns.(10.88.25)


tasmAd bhavantam anavadyam ananta-pAram

sarva-jïam Isvaram akuntha-vikuntha-dhishnyam

nirvinna-dhIr aham u he vrijinAbhitapto

nArAyanam nara-sakham saranam prapadye


Therefore, O Lord, feeling weary of material life and tormented by its

distresses, I now surrender unto You because You are the perfect master. You are

the unlimited, all-knowing Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose spiritual abode

in Vaikuntha is free from all disturbances. In fact, You are known as NArAyana,

the true friend of all living beings. (11.7.18)




vinirgato ’jas tv iti vAì na vai mrishA

kintv Isvara tvan na vinirgato ’smi


My dear Lord, it is said that when the three planetary systems are merged into

the water at the time of dissolution, Your plenary portion, NArAyana, lies down

on the water, gradually a lotus flower grows from His navel, and BrahmA takes

birth upon that lotus flower. Certainly, these words are not false. Thus am I

not born from You? (10.14.13)



nato ’smy aham tvAkhila-hetu-hetum

nArAyanam pUrusham Adyam avyayam

yan-nAbhi-jAtAd aravinda-koshAd

brahmAvirAsId yata esha lokah


ShrI AkrUra said: I bow down to You, the cause of all causes, the original and

inexhaustible Supreme Person, NArAyana. From the whorl of the lotus born from

Your navel, BrahmA appeared, and by his agency this universe has come into




bhUtair yadA païcabhir Atma-srishtaih

puram virAjam viracayya tasmin

svAmsena vishtah purushAbhidhAnam

avApa nArAyana Adi-devah


When the primeval Lord NArAyana created His universal body out of the five

elements produced from Himself and then entered within that universal body by

His own plenary portion, He thus became known as the Purusha. (11.4.3)



purusho ’ndam vinirbhidya

yadAsau sa vinirgatah

Atmano ’yanam anvicchann

apo ’srAkshIc chucih sucIh


After separating the different universes, the gigantic universal form of the

Lord , which came out of the causal ocean, the place of appearance for the first

purusha-avatAra, entered into each of the separate universes, desiring to lie on

the created transcendental water [Garbhodaka].(2.10.10)


tAsv avAtsIt sva-srishtAsu

sahasram parivatsarAn

tena nArAyano nAma

yad Apah purushodbhavAh



That Supreme Person is not impersonal and therefore is distinctively a nara,

or person. Therefore the transcendental water created from the Supreme Nara is

known as nAra. And because He lies down on that water, He is known as NArAyana.



(Agni purana 17.7-8)


apa eva sasarjAdau tAsu vIryamavAsrjat /

Apo nArA iti proktA Apo vai narasUnavah: //

ayanantasya tAh: pUrvantena nArAyaNah: smrtah: /

hiraNyavarNamabhavat tadaNdamudakesayam //


Brahmanda Purana (1.4.25-29)


svAmI sarvasya yatsarvamvisNuh: sarvapraveSanAt /

bhagavAnagrasadbhAvAnnAgo nAgasvasamSrayAt //

paramah: samprahrsTatvAddevatAdomiti smrtih: /

sarvajnah: sarvavijnAnAtsarvah:sarvamyatastatah: //

narANAm svApanam brahmA tasmAnnArAyaNah: smrtah: /

tridhA vibhajya cAtmAnam sakalah: sampravarttate //


srjate grasate caiva pAlyate ca tribhih: svayam /

so 'gre hiraNyagarbhah: san prAdurbhUtah: svayam prabhuh: //

Adyo hi svavaSaScaiva ajAtatvAdajah: smrtah: /

tasmAddhiraNyagarbhaSca purANesu nirucyate //



Brahmanda purana (1.5.2- 5)


ekArNave tadA tasminnasTe sthAvarajangame /

vibhurbhavati sa brahmA sahasrAksah: sahasrapAt //

sahasraSIrsA puruso rukmavarNo hyatIndriyah: /

brahma nArAyaNAkhyastu susvApa salile tadA //

sattvodrekAnnisiddhastu SUnyam lokamavaiksata /

imam codAharantyatrar Slokam nArAyaNam prati //

Apo nArA iti proktA Apo vai narasUnavah: /

ayana tasya tAh:proktAstena nArAyaNah: smrtah: //


Brahmanda Purana (1.6.62-64)


Apo nArAstattanava ityarthA nanuSuSruma /

ApUryamANAstatrAste tena nArAyaNah: smrtah: //

sahasraSIrsA sumanAh: sahasrapAt sahasracaksurvadanah: sahasrakrt /

sahasrabAhuh: prathamah: prajApatistrayImayo 'yam puruso nirucyate //

AdityavarNo bhuvanasya goptA eko hyamUrtah: prathamastvaso virAT /

hiraNya garbhah: puruso mahAtmA sampadyate vai manasah: parastAt //


Kurma Purana


narANAmayano yasmAt tena nArAyaNah: smrtah: /

harah: samsAraharaNAd vibhutvAd visNurucyate // 1.4.61


Apo nArA iti proktA nAmnA pUrvamiti Srutih: /

ayanam tasya tA yasmAt tena nArAyaNah: smrtah: // 1.6.5


Satvata Tantra


narAd utpannatattvAnAm samgrahe nArasamjnake /

ayanam tasya yad abhUt tasmAn nArAyaNah smritah // 1.34


Vishnu Purana


Apo nArA iti proktA Apo vai narasUnavah: /

ayanam tasya tAh: pUrvam tena nArAyaNah: smrtah:// 1.4.6




The general definitions given are : One who is shelter for all everything else

which has come from Him, which are called nArA or one who lies down (ayanam) on

the water(Apah) which has come from Him (nArA).








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