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Hare Krishna,


On the suggestion of one of the list members, I'll be regularly

posting (one verse at a time) the Govinda Damodara Stotra, by Srila

Bilvamangala Thakura. If anyone would like the entire stotra, please

just let me know. This is the first verse:




agre kurUNAm atha pANDavAnAM


kRSNA tadAkrozad ananya-nAthA

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Before the assembled Kurus and pandavas, when DuHZAsana caught her

hair and clothing, KRSNA (DraupadI), having no other Lord, cried out, "

Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava!"



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zrI kRSNa viSNo madhu-kaiTabhAre

bhaktAnukampin bhagavan murAre

trAyasva mAM kezava lokanAtha

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


O Lord KRSNa, ViSNu, enemy of the Madhu and KaiTabha demons; O

Supreme Personality of Godhead, enemy of Mura, merciful upon the devotees;

O Kezava, Lord of the worlds, Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava, please deliver


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vikretukAmA kila gopa-kanyA


dadhyAdikaM mohavazAd avocad

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Though desiring to sell milk, dahI, butter, etc., the mind of a

young gopI was so absorbed in the lotus feet of KRSNa that instead of

calling out "Milk for sale," on account of her bewilderment, she said,

"Govinda!", DAmodara!", and "MAdhava!"

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ulUkhale sambhRta-tanDulAMz ca

saghaTTayantyo musalaiH pramugdhAH

gAyanti gopyo janitAnurAgA

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Their grinding-mortars full of grains, the gopIs minds are

overcome as they grind with their pestles; in natural loving attachment,

they sing, "Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava!"

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kAcit karAmbhoja-puTe niSaNNaM

krIDA-zukaM kiMzuka-rakta-tuNDam

adhyApayAm Asa saroruhAkSI

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


A lotus-eyed girl taught the red-beaked, pet parrot seated in

her lotuslike hand: "Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava."

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I think that you've missed fourth stanza so please be

so kind to send it. Thank you for sending it anyway!



(moderator note: Actually, it was posted on 6/28/01 and is available in the

message archives. However, I have no objection to nectar being reposted again

and again)




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gRhe gRhe gopa-vadhU-samUhaH

prati-kSaNaM piNjara-sArikAnAm

skhalad-giraM vAcayituM pravRtto

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


In each and every house, a bevy of gopa-women is engaged in making

the caged parrots constantly speak, with broken words, "Govinda,"

"DAmodara," and MAdhava."

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paryyaNkikAbhAjam alam kumAraM

prasvApayantyo 'khila-gopa-kanyAH

jaguH prabandhaM svara-tAla-bandhaM

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


With the little boy esconced in the cradle, all of the gopIs used

to expertly sing compositions set to musical notes and rhythm; they went,

"Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava," while putting Him to rest.

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rAmAnujaM vIkSaNa-keli-lolaM

gopI gRhItvA nava-nIta-golam

AbAlakaM bAlakam AjuhAva

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


The younger brother of BalarAma, His eyes excited, was darting

about while playing mischieviously. Taking a ball of fresh butter to

lure Him over, a gopI called Him: "O Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava . . ."

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aGkAdhirUDhaM zizu-gopa-gUDhaM

stanaM dhayantaM kamalaika-kAntam

sambodhayAm Asa mudA yazodA

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


The one and only Lord of LakSmIdevI, in His inconspicuous form as

a baby cowherd, was seated upon the lap of mother YazodA, drinking her

breast-milk. Merged in bliss, she addressed Him as "Govinda,DAmodara,"

and "MAdhava."

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krIDantam antar-vrajam AtmanaM svaM

samaM vayasyaiH pazu-pAla-bAlaiH

premNA yazodA prajuhAva kRSNaM

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


In Vraja-dhAma, KRSNa was sporting with His playmates, the boys of

own His age who look after the animals. With great love, mother YazodA

called out to KRSNa, "O Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava!"

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yazodayA gADham ulUkhalena

go-kaNTha-pAzena nibadhyamanam

ruroda mandaM navanIta-bhojI

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Being firmly tied up to the grinding mortar with a cow's rope by

mother YazodA, the plunderer of butter quietly whimpered. "Govinda,

DAmodara, MAdhava."

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Dear Mukunda Datta Prabhu,


Dandavat pranams. Jay Srila Prabhupada!


Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful nectar of this Govinda-damodar Stotra!


Who is Bilvamangalacarya? If I overlooked some comments you posted on this

vaishnava poet in some previous text I beg apology.


Your servant, Madhavananda Das

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nijAGgaNe kaGkaNa-keli-lolaM

gopI ghItvA navanIta-golam

Amardayat pANi-talena netre

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


In His own courtyard, KRSNa was carelessly playing with a [costly]

bracelet. So the gopI took a ball of butter to Him, and covering His eyes

with her palm, she diverted Him, "O Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava . . .

[Guess what I have for you!]"

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gRhe gRhe gopa-vadhU-kadambAH

sarve militvA samavAya-yoge

puNyAni nAmAni paThanti nityaM

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


In house after house, groups of cowherd ladies gather on various

occasions, and together they always chant the transcendental names of

KRSNa--"Govinda, DAmodara, and MAdhava."

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mandAra-mUle vadanAbhirAmaM

bimbAdhare pUrita-veNu-nAdam


govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


His face is pleasing, and the flute at His lips is filled with

Divine sound. Amidst the cows, gopas, and gopIs, He stands at the base of

a coral tree. Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava!


Elsewhere, the last line of this verse is:


gopaM bhaje gokula-pUrNa-candram


"I worship that cowherd boy, veritably the full-moon of Gokula."

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utthAya gopyo 'para-rAtra-bhoge

smRtvA yazodA-suta-bAla-kelim

gAyanti proccair dadhi-manthayantyo

govinda dAmodara mdhaveti


Having risen early in the Brahma-muhUrta, and remembering the

childhood activities of the Son of mother YazodA, the gopIs loudly sing

while churning butter--"Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava!"

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jagdho 'tha datto navanIta-piNDo

gRhe yazodA vicikitsayantI

uvAca satyaM vada he murAre

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Having churned and then set aside a fresh lump of butter in the

house, mother YazodA was now suspicious--it had been eaten. She said,

"Hey MurAri! Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava, now tell me the truth . . ."

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abhyarcya gehaM yuvatiH pravRddha-

-prema-pravAhA dadhi nirmamantha

gAyanti gopyo 'tha sakhI-sametA

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Having finished worship at home, a young gopI, (like) a strong

current of love for KRSNa, churned the butter. Then she joins together

with all her gopI friends; asma group they sing, "Govinda, DAmodara,


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kvacit prabhAte dadhi-pUrNa-pAtre

nikSipya manthaM yuvatI mukundam

Alokya gAnaM vividhaM karoti

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


One time, early in the morning, just as a girl had put aside her

churn in a pot full of butter--she saw Mukunda. She then began to sing

songs in various ways, about Govinda, DAmodara, and MAdhava.

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krIDAparaM bhojana-majjanArthaM

hitaiSiNI strI tanujaM yazodA

AjUhavat prema-pariplutAkSI

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


(Without having even bathed or eaten,) KRSNa was absorbed in play.

With overwhelming affection, mother YazodA, who thought only of her son's

welfare, called out, "Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava! Come, take your bath

and eat something."

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sukhaM zayAnaM nilaye ca viSNuM

devarSi-mukhyA munayaH prapannAH

tenAcyute tanmayatAM vrajanti

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


DevarSi NArada and other Munis are always surrendered to Lord

ViSNu, who rests upon His couch in His abode. They always chant the names

of "Govinda,DAmodara," and "MAdhava," and thus they attain spiritual

forms similar to His.

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Hare Krishna.


A short biography of Srila Bilvamangala Thakura has been uploaded to the file

area on achintya (www.achintya.org/files). It is in Microsoft Word format and

requires the Balaram font in order to view it. The Balaram font is also

available from the files/fonts directory. Members are free to download it at

any time.


Thanks are due to Mukunda Datta dasa for having contributed it.






Thank you so much for sharing the wonderful nectar of this Govinda-damodar Stotra!


Who is Bilvamangalacarya? If I overlooked some comments you posted on this

vaishnava poet in some previous text I beg apology.


Your servant, Madhavananda Das

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vihAya nidrAm aruNodaye ca

vidhAya kRtyAni ca vipramukhyAH

vedAvasAne prapaThanti nityaM

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


After giving up sleep at dawn, having completed their ritualistic

duties, and at the end of their Vedic chanting, the best of the learned

brAhmaNas always loudly chant, "Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava!"

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vRndAvane gopa-gaNAz ca gopyo

vilokya govinda-viyoga-khinnam

rAdhAM jaguH sAzru-vilocanAbhyAM

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


In VRndAvana, seeing ZrImatI RAdhArANI overwhelmed with separation

from Govinda, groups of gopas and gopIs sang, with tears in their lotus

eyes, "Govinda! DAmodara! O MAdhava!"

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