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prabhAta-saJcAra-gatA nu gAvas

tad-rakSaNArthaM tanayaM yazodA

prAbodhayat pANi-talena mandaM

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


The cows having already gone out to graze early in the morning;

that He might guard them, mother YazodA gently roused her sleeping son

with the palm of her hand, softly saying, "Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava."

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pravAla-zobhA iva dIrgha-kezA


mUle tarUNAM munayaH paThanti

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


With long, matted hair the color of coral, and bodies purified by

eating only leaves, water, and air, the sages sit beneath the trees and

chant, "Govinda,DAmodara," and "MAdhava."

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evaM bruvANA virahAturA bhRzAM

vraja-striyaH kRSNa-viSikta-mAnasAH

visRjya lajjAM ruruduH sma su-svaraM

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti



"After speaking these words, the ladies of Vraja, who were so

attached to Ka, felt extremely agitated by their imminent separation from

Him. They forgot all worldly shame and loudly cried out,'O Govinda! O

DAmodara! O MAdhava!'"


n.b.--(This verse is identical with ZrImad BhAgavatam, 10. 39.31;

it describes the gopIs' reaction to AkrUra's taking KRSNa and BalarAma

away from VRndAvana. The above translation is that of H.H. HRdayAnanda


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gopI kadAcin maNi-piJjara-sthaM

zukaM vaco vAcayituM pravRttA

Ananda-kanda vraja-candra kRSNa

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti



Sometimes a gopI engages in teaching a parrot in a jewelled

cage, to recite names like: "Ananda-kanda" (source of bliss),

"Vraja-candra" (moon of Vraja), "KRSNa,Govinda,DAmodara," and


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go-vatsa-bAlaiH zizu-kAka-pakSaM

badhnantam ambhoja-dalAyatAkSam

uvAca mAtA cibukaM ghItvA

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


The lotus-eyed Lord was tying the zikhA of a cowherd boy to the

tail of a calf when His mother caught Him, lifted up His chin, and said,

"Govinda! DAmodara! MAdhava!"

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prabhAta-kAle vara-vallavaughA

go-rakSaNArthaM dhRta-vetra-daNDAH

AkArayAm Asur anantam Adyam

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


In the early morning a group of His favorite cowherd boys arrived,

stick-canes in hand, to take care of the cows. They addressed the

unlimited, primeval Personality of Godhead, "Hey, Govinda, DAmodara,


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jalAzaye kAliya-mardanAya

yadA kadambAd apatan murAre

gopAGganAz cakruzur etya gopA

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


When Lord MurAri jumped from the Kadamba branch into the water to

chastise the KAliya serpent, all the gopIs and cowherd boys went there and

cried out, "Oh! Govinda! DAmodara! MAdhava!"

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akrUram AsAdya yadA mukundaz

cApotsavArthaM mathurAM praviSTaH

tad sa paurair jayatty abhi

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


After Lord Mukunda had met with AkrUra they entered MathurA to

attend the ceremony of breaking the bow of KaMsa. All the citizens then

shouted, "Jaya, Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava!"

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kaMsasya dUtena yadaiva nItau

vRndAvanAntAd vasudeva-sUnau

ruroda gopI bhavanasya madhye

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


When both sons of Vasudeva had actually been taken out of

VRndAvana by the messenger of KaMsa, YazodA sobbed within her house,

wailing, "Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava!"

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sarovare kAliya-nAga-baddhaM

zizuM yazodA-tanayaM nizamya

cakrur luTantyaH pathi gopa-bAlA

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Hearing how the son of YazodA, who was but a child, was wrapped

within the coils of the KAliya serpent at the pond, the cowherd boys cried

"Govinda! DAmodara! MAdhava!" and scurried down the path.

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akrUra-yAne yadu-vaMza-nAthaM

saMgacchamAnaM mathurAM nirIkSya

Ucur viyogAt kila gopa-bAlA

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Seeing the Lord of the Yadus proceeding towards MathurA upon

AkrUra's chariot, the cowherd boys, upon realization of their impending

separation, said, "O Govinda! DAmodara, MAdhava! (Where are you going? Are

You leaving us?)"

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cakranda gopI nalinI-vanAnte

kRSNena hInA kusume zayAnA


govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


At the edge of a lotus forest, a gopI lay down upon the bed of

flowers, bereft of KRSNa. Tears flowed from her lotus eyes (as she wept,)

"Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava."

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mAtA-pitRbhyAM parivAryamANA

gehaM praviSTA vilalApa gopI

Agatya mAM pAlaya vizvanAtha

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Being restricted by her mother and father, the lamenting gopI

entered the house, "Now that I've arrived home, save me, O Lord of the

universe! O Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava!"

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vRndAvana-sthaM harim Azu buddhvA

gopI gatA kApi vanaM nizAyAm

tatrApy adRSTvAti-bhayAd avocad

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Thinking that KRSNa was in the forest, a gopI fled into the forest

in the middle of night. But seeing that KRSNa wasn't actually there, she

became very fearful, and cried, "Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava!"

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jihve rasajJe madhura-priyA tvaM

satyaM hitaM tvAM paramaM vadAmi

AvarNayethA madhurAkSarANi

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


O my tongue, you are fond of sweet things and are of

discriminating taste; I tell you the highest truth, which is also the most

beneficial. Please just recite these sweet syllables: "Govinda,"

"DAmodara," and "MAdhava."

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sA nIrajAkSIm avalokya rAdhAM

ruroda govinda-viyoga-khinnAm

sakhI praphullotpala-locanAbhyAM

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Seeing ZrImatI RAdhArANI crying from the pangs of separation from

Govinda, the blooming lotus eyes of RAdhA's girlfriend also filled with

tears, and she too cried, "Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava."

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jihve rasajJe madhura-priyA tvaM

satyaM hitaM tvAM paramaM vadAmi

AvarNayethA madhurAkSarANi

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


O my tongue, you are fond of sweet things and are of

discriminating taste; I tell you the highest truth, which is also the most

beneficial. Please just recite these sweet syllables: "Govinda,"

"DAmodara," and "MAdhava."

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Atyantika-vyAdhihara janAnAM

cikitsakaM veda-vido vadanti


govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


The knowers of the Vedas say that this removes the worst diseases

of mankind, and that this is the source of the destruction of the

threefold miseries of material existence: "Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava!"

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tAtAjJayA gacchati rAmacandre

sa-lakSmaNe 'raNyacaye sa-sIte

cakranda rAmasya nijA janitrI

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Upon RAmacandra's going into the forest due to his father's order,

along with LakSmaNa and SItA, (and thus becoming) a forest-rover, His

mother cried, "O Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava!"

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ekAkinI daNDaka-kAnanAntAt

sA nIyamAnA dazakandhareNa

sItA tadAkrozad ananya-nAthA

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Left there alone, SItA was carried out of the forest by the

ten-headed RAvaNa. At that time, accepting no other Lord, SItA cried, "O

Govinda! DAmodara! MAdhava!"

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rAmAdviyuktA janakAtmajA sA

vicintayantI hRdi rAma-rUpam

ruroda sItA raghunAtha pAhi

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Separated from RAma, the daughter of King Janaka was completely

anxious, and with the form of RAma within her heart, she cried, "O

RaghunAtha! Protect me! O Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava!"

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antar-jale grAha-gRhIta-pAdo


tadA gajendro nitarAM jagAda

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Caught by his foot and pulled into the water, Gajendra, his

friends all harassed and frightened away, then called out incessantly,

"Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava!"

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haMsadhvajaH zaGkhayuto dadarza

putraM kaTAhe prapatantam enam

puNyAni nAmAni harer japantaM

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Along with his priest ZaGkhayuta, King HaMsadhvaja saw his son

falling into a vat, but the boy was chanting the transcendental names of

Hari, Govinda, DAmodara, and MAdhava.

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> Along with his priest ZaGkhayuta, King HaMsadhvaja saw his son

> falling into a vat, but the boy was chanting the transcendental names of

> Hari, Govinda, DAmodara, and MAdhava.


Thus he was saved. His father, the king of Campaka, had given the

order that all of the troops should bathe, put on neck beads and tilaka,

and go to battle to fight Arjuna; he said anyone who disobeyed would be

thrown into hot oil. Prince Sankhayuta became late because of being sent

off by his mother and later his wife. When Hamsadhvaja saw him arrive

late, he thought the prince had ignored his command. This suspicion was

further incited by the envious intrigues of two corrupt ministers, who

then insisted that the king must stick to his word, even with Sankhayuta.

They then forced the prince to jump into boiling oil, but because

Sankhayuta was a great devotee, Krsna turned that hot oil into the cool,

pleasing waters of the Sarayu river (which flows through Ayodhya). The

story of Sankhayuta and his brother Suratha is in Mahabharata.



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durvAsaso vAkyam upetya kRSNA

sA cAbravIt kAnana-vAsinIzam

antaHpraviSTaM manasAjuhAva

govinda dAmodara mAdhaveti


Accepting DurvAsa Muni's request (that she feed his thousands of

disciples, even though she hadn't the means to do this) DraupadI mentally

called out to the Lord within, the Lord of the forest dwellers, and she

said, "Govinda, DAmodara, MAdhava!"

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