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Online Study Groups

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Dear devotees,


I had an idea I thought I would share with you, one that would enable

us to better take advantage of this electronic forum.


We actually executed this a couple of times in the past, on the BTG

mailing list and elsewhere.


Members of this list could take part in online study groups to study

Srila Prabhupada's books. The idea is, we pick a book and agree to

read it at a specified rate. For each section, we stop and put

forward notes, questions, thoughts, etc on the verse or verses read.

Discussion is generated, helping us to better clarify doubts.


There need not be any official sanction on the moderator's part for

an online study group to commence, so long as the book is Vaishnava

and preferably Gaudiya Vaishnava. For that matter, there also need

not be just one study group -- individual devotees who know each

other can decide to pick a book and use the Achintya forum to discuss

it. Also, if one devotee wants to study a particular book, he can

post an announcement saying which book, at how fast a rate it should

be read, etc.


My own suggestions for study would be Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, Nectar

of Devotion, Brahma-samhita. But alternately, we could start with a

smaller book like Nectar of Instruction or Sri Isopanishad. The idea

is, all the devotees who are interested give their names, and we each

pledge to read the book at a predetermined rate - say one verse a

week or one chapter a week. We can then commence discussion, which

can be as terse or as verbose as one wishes. The idea should be to

encourage us to read more and discuss more.


In the past, the only problem with these groups is that only 2 or 3

people would take it seriously and post detailed notes and questions.

It would be preferable if more people took to the reading and tried

to participate. It isn't necessary to be a great intellectual or

anything. In fact, we should try to get rid of the mentality of not

asking questions for fear that they might be perceived as "stupid."


Please let me know what you think, either personally or on the list.

I think this would be a great idea to get things going.


your servant,


- K

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Hare Krishna

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


I am very keen on this online study program. Most important is that:


1] we should appreciate studying together like this.

2] If we could work on a study pace that is suitable for everyone it would

be very nice. One should not feel pressurized due to having other

commitments to keep as well.

3] we should get a clear understanding of the subject matter, which will in

turn help us in preaching and convincing others of the philosophy.

4] the discussions should not lead to heated arguments between devotees who

then decide not to be part of the conference in the end!


[MODERATOR NOTE: No one need worry about #4. I *strictly* moderate postings to

keep this kind of thing from happening. We should debate and argue, but do so

civilly. If things look like they are getting out of hand, I will prevent it

from being posted. I also try to help sincere individuals who want to post

something, but need to edit their comments to keep from causing offense.]


According to the manual on NITYA KRIYAS [daily activities of a Gaudiya


"The devotees should study the devotional literature and texts in pursuance

of those teachings, but if there is not sufficient time they should not read

small portions here and there. Whatever one reads, one should study

thoroughly, otherwise it simply becomes useless ideas which ripen into a

form of material speculation. There are some people who take whatever they

hear and not considering its qualities, simply think up ways of arguing

against it. This type of activity is forbidden for devotees."


Therefore, I feel an organized and systematic study group is most needed

for us. You have my support.


your servant


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Hare Krsna!

I like this idea and I think it's a good way to

encourage ourselves. Personally, I have little

problems with being constantly engaged in reading. One

day I don't read at all and the other I read for 5

hours. Maybe it would be nice that we do it daily but

that can be non-practical to others. That's just my

opinion. I'm in.

ys Nina




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Dear Prabhu,


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


HKS> Members of this list could take part in online study groups to study

HKS> Srila Prabhupada's books. The idea is, we pick a book and agree to

HKS> read it at a specified rate. For each section, we stop and put

HKS> forward notes, questions, thoughts, etc on the verse or verses read.

HKS> Discussion is generated, helping us to better clarify doubts.

You've given a good idea. But I think, that first of all we need

a senior devotee to join this forum to watch if we deviate or not.

Because always there's a big chance to deviate while studying. We

don't know who will join the discussion. Any devotee, a Gaudiya-matha

devotee, a ritvik-devotee... any devotee can join a discussion and

express his and his guru's views on a subject matter. That's not very

good. That's why need a senior ISKCON devotee to look after the



[MODERATOR NOTE: Your concerns are valid. However, anyone is welcome to express

their opinion here, so long as it is done according to guru, saadhu, and

shaastra. The ritviks do not have the support of shaastra, so it is more likely

that they would be soundly defeated in a forum like this. Achintya is set up to

prevent useless speculation]


The second, but not a very important thing is that we're better to

organize a separate forum in order not to mix the subject of studying

with other subjects.


The third thing: It's better to start with a Nectar of Instructions.

Yesterday we had a nama-hatta program and a brahmacari, who leads us,

told that next Saturday we would begin NoI studying. And he has three

sources of studying material: lectures on NoI by Srila Bhaktivaibhava

Swami, Srila Bhakti Vijnana Goswami and Purnacandra Prabhu. So I could

post the notes I'll make on our programs.


And the last thing: there's no matter how many devotees will take part

in discussion. Even three or four devotees is enough.


Those were my thoughts.


Let the other members of this forum say what they think.



Your servant,

Dennis dennis_s

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good idea, prabhu; and, I suggest there be a limit to the length of one's

question and answer. That is what they do in political meetings; and, it

is the only way to keep things moving, rationally. Otherwise, the

certain few spout, incessantly, while the others get bored and leave the


bhaktijan das

aka john kinney


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Dear Devotees:

I would like to suggest that we start with either Sri Isopanisad or

Nectar of Instruction. The problem with study groups is that they

usually start very fired up, but lose steam quickly. These books are

"small" enough that they can be finished up in a few months, before

other matters start to "butt in".



Dave Johnson

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