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Deity Worship

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Please allow me to reveal my mind. In 1997 my wife and I traveled to Vrndavan.

At that time we had no intention other than to visit the Holy Dharm.

Co-incidentally we got attracted to their Lordships Gaura Nitai so we bought

them and the Murti From of His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila



In his extensive purport to Bhagavata 7.5.23-24, Srila Prabhupada

makes an even stronger point:


"Grhastha devotees, however, are generally engaged in material

activities, and therefore if they do not take to Deity worship, their

falling down is positively assured."


The main problem here is that we are not initiated...and we did this on our own

hearts desire

Our deity worship is not of the top most standard ( like in the temple) with a

little daughter to care of and so many other engagements....work etc.


But when time permits we cook opulently and make nice clothes etc for the Lord.

Recently the Temple devotees asked to do deity bathing ceremony for Gaura

Purnima with our deities. I try to read out the appropriate verse for water

cleansing etc.....pancaratrika book.

Mostly I read brahma samhita and purusa shakta for the benefit of their

Lordships Gaura Nitai.


In our hearts we are serving the Lord to the ability, but many devotees seem to

have a problem with that. They have the perception that we do not offer bhoga

daily and that we do not bath the Lord appropriately etc.


When they visit it is only for fault finding with our worship etc which they

mostly talk amongst them selves and we also hear rumour about criticism about us

not being initiated....


We certianly do not want to fall down from what ever level of devotional

practice we have achieved. Formal initiation seems a long time away so what do

we do.....?











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> In our hearts we are serving the Lord to the

> ability, but many devotees seem to have a problem

> with that. They have the perception that we do not

> offer bhoga daily and that we do not bath the Lord

> appropriately etc.>


I have read in various Deity worship manuals and

household worship handbooks that Sri Sri Gaura Nitai

are the ideal Deities for beginning devotees, and

devotees who worship at home, etc., since They are

extremely tolerant of offenses committed during



I don't think initiation can be that important (in

terms of the worship of uninstalled Deity

worship--initiation *is* important to spiritual

advancement in general, and that's not what I'm

questioning) to general Deity worship-- in gurukula we

were encouraged to practice Deity worship, and we were

certainly not initiated, being mostly 5-9 years old.


In gurukula, and in most home worship guides, it is

acceptable to bathe and dress the Deity once a week.

Offer the Deity whatever it is that you will have,

say, for dinner, each day. This is much less time

consuming than many people think. With children in

the house, Deity worship is very pleasurable, and a

child won't mind waiting an extra 15 minutes (or even

less, depending on your standard) for the Lord to have

His dinner if it is explained to her.


I would say the best, easiest way to worship Sri-Sri

Gaura Nitai is to chant a kirtan for Them every day!

This is so much fun for children, who can sing and

dance and play kartalas, and what could please Lord

Caitanya more than the chanting of the Holy Name? I

am sure you are already doing this, prabhu. I also

think that since Their Lordships are omniscient, They

know that you are sincerely attracted and trying your

best to care for Them. This will surely give Them

pleasure, since loving service is what attracts the

Lord most.


Nitai-Gaura Haribol!


your servant,

Maharani dd





Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more


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achintya, "Manohar, Rakesh" <rakesh.manohar@e...> wrote:


> When they visit it is only for fault finding with our worship etc

which they mostly talk amongst them selves and we also hear rumour

about criticism about us not being initiated....



I think that these kinds of criticisms are very unbecoming of

Vaishnavas, and consequently I do not have much regard

for "devotees" who visit one's home on invitation only to criticize

their hosts for whatever reason.


A devotee who wants to teach the proper standard for anything, such

as Deity worship, can best do so by setting a good example himself

so that others can follow.


Brahminical culture requires that some gentle behavior be observed,

what to speak of Vaishnava culture. Please note Srila Rupa Gosvami's

instructions in Nectar of Instruction. Therein, he describes various

kinds of interactions between devotees of the Lord, such as giving

and receiving gifts, revealing one's mind in confidence, etc.


As far as my understanding of Deity worship is concerned, I was

taught that having an archa-vigraha in the home is like inviting the

Lord Himself to reside there (even before performing the praana-

pratishtha ceremony). This of course brings up the question of the

significance of the praana-pratishtha itself. But the point is,

Deity worship is supposed to be quite strict, lest one commit an

offense. That being said, I have some archa-vigrahas of Lord Baala

Krishna and Lord Venkateshwara, Sridevi, and Bhuudevi in my home,

and my wife and I also try to keep to a daily routine. I'm certainly

in no position to criticize anyone's standard of worship, nor would

I want to even if I could.


As far as these "critics" are concerned, my recommendation would be

to simply tolerate them as much as possible, accepting their

immature criticisms as some reaction to previous karmas. We can

learn humility even from those who have no right to try to humiliate

us. Aside from that, try to associate preferentially with those

devotees whose example you would actually like to follow. That may

be a tough one to do, since there are so few advanced souls in this

world. But then, we should expect that, given BG "manashyaanaam

sahasreShu kaschid yatati siddhaya..." etc.




- K

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On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Manohar, Rakesh wrote:

<<<<Co-incidentally we got attracted to their Lordships Gaura Nitai so we

bought them and the Murti From of His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami

Srila Prabupada. The main problem here is that we are not initiated...and we

did this on our own hearts desire Our deity worship is not of the top most

standard ( like in the temple) with a little daughter to care of and so many

other engagements...work etc.>>>>


Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai are the right Deities. Do what you feel

you can for Them, sincerely. When They want more from you, one way or

another They'll let you know! :-) Gaura-Nitai are especially merciful,

too, and their seva doesn't have to be elaborate, especially in our homes.

Household Deities are like our esteemed guests, so they just graciously

accept whatever we can humbly offer Them with affection and purity. Srila

Prabhupada even said that kirtana alone is sufficient to please





<<<<When they visit it is only for fault finding with our worship etc

which they mostly talk amongst them selves and we also hear rumour about

criticism about us not being initiated....>>>>


Hmmm. This sounds a bit like neophyte devotion (see Bhagavatam,

11.2.47). If they're offensive, they themselves will probably be gone

soon enough; then you won't have to listen to them anymore. ;-)

Better to listen to the devotees who are considered more advanced; they

generally aren't so harsh with others (see Bhagavatam, 11.2.46, or





<<<< We certianly do not want to fall down from what ever level of

devotional practice we have achieved. Formal initiation seems a long time

away so what do we do.....?>>>>


Worship the Deity as best as you can now, and as you approach the

standard appropriate for installed Deities, the Lord will make arrangements

as He sees fit. Initiation is definitely necessary, especially for

anyone worshipping installed Deities, but it isn't that someone who isn't

initiated is "fallen" or somehow can't serve Krsna. No one should feel

compelled to take initiation quickly either; everyone's committment to

Krsna consciousness is always voluntary. That's just the nature of love.

However, those who have taken advantage of initiation see that it actually

makes everything easier, not harder. That's what it exists for. In the

beginning, though, we have to develop such faith. We do so by seeking out

sadhu-sanga, for which even great mahajanas like lord Siva pray (e.g.,

Bhagavatam, 4.24.58):


"My dear Lord, Your lotus feet are the cause of all auspicious

things and the destroyer of all the contamination of sin. I therefore beg

Your Lordship to bless me by the association of Your devotees, who are

completely purified by worshiping Your lotus feet and who are so merciful

upon the conditioned souls. I think that Your real benediction will be to

allow me to associate with such devotees."


I hope this is helpful. Hare Krsna!



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