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Bhagavad-gita Chapter 9 Text 1

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Dear Prabhus,

Please accept my humble obeisances at the lotus feet of

Srila Prabhupada.


Bhagavad-gita Chapter 9 Text 1

"The Most Confidential Knowledge"

"The Supreme Lord said: My dear Arjuna, because you are never envious

of Me, I shall impart to you this most secret wisdom, knowing which you

shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence."

Srila Prabhupada instructs us (partial purport) : " As a devotee hears

more and more about the Supreme Lord, he becomes enlightened. This hearing

process is recommended in the Srimad-Bhagavatam: "The messages of the Supreme

Personality of Godhead are full of potencies, and these potencies

can be realized if topics regarding the Supreme Godhead are discussed

amongst devotees. This cannot be achieved by the association of mental

speculators or academic scholars, for it is realized knowledge."

The devotees are constantly engaged in the Supreme Lord's

service. The Lord understands the mentality and sincerity of a particular

living entity who is engaged in Krsna consciousness and gives him

the intelligence to understand the science of Krsna in the association

of the devotees. Discussion of Krsna is very potent, and if a fortunate

person has such association and tries to assimilate the knowledge,

then he will surely make advancement toward spiritual realization.... "


The following is from Srila Prabhupada's lecture on the above verse

given on 75/04/17 in Vrndavana,India :

"........So somebody can say, "Unless there is happiness, why people

should be interested?" There is

happiness certainly. So that happiness is compared by Vidyapati, the

great Vaisnava poet, that it is just like tatala seikate vari-bindu

sama.... Just like desert. You have seen desert. Desert means

it requires huge quantities of water. Nowadays, practically, in every country,

especially in India, every land is just like desert for want of water.

So you see in Vrndavana so much land lying vacant, no agriculture. Why?

There is want of water. There is no sufficient supply of water.So in this

way, if there is scarcity of water, then gradually these places will be

converted into desert. Converted into desert. So the "desert" word is used

because it requires huge quantity of water. Similarly, we are, in this

material world, we are trying to be happy in the society, friendship and

love. Suta-mita-ramani-samaje. But the happiness we are getting,

that is compared with a drop of water in the desert. If in the vast desert,

Arabian desert, if

we say that "We want water," and somebody brings a drop of water and

take it, it will be very insignificant, has no meaning.

Similarly, we are... Our heart is desiring real pleasure,

transcendental bliss. So if we are put into this desert, suta-mita-ramani-samaje,

where is the benefit? This song is confirmed in the Srimad-Bhagavatam that

apasyatam atma-tattvam [sB 2.1.2]. They do not know what is the

aim of life. They are satisfied with this drop of water in the desert.

It will never mitigate. Desert is

very vast tract of land dry, and if somebody says, "All right, take

one drop of water," then what is the meaning? It has no meaning. Similarly,

we are spirit soul. We are hankering after Krsna. That is our inner desire.

And what happiness we shall get with this society, friendship or love?

This is not possible. That is not possible. There is some happiness, temporary

happiness, very small quantity, so-called happiness. It will never satisfy

you.... Actually we are trying to get because we are eternal. We are trying

to get eternal happiness.... Krsna is very strict. But the devotees

are very lenient.... the devotees are so kind, they

go ... and pray, "Kindly hear. Kindly hear about Krsna."......"


Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


your servant.....


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