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for the Achintya List


revised 6/02/02


Home Page: http://www.achintya.org



Moderator: achintya-owner


Subscribe: achintya-


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Submission: achintya



1) What is the Achintya list?


The Achintya list (short for Achintya Beda Abeda Tattva) is a moderated mailing

list devoted to discussions of Gaudiiya Vaishnava philosophy (Achintya Beda

Abeda Vedaanta) in the line of Shrii Chaitanya Mahaaprabhu and the six

Gosvaamiis. The subject matter of the Achintya list encompasses all aspects of

Gaudiiya Vaishnavism or Krishna-consciousness, including philosophy, culture,

and history.



2) There are lots of other Krishna-conscious internet forums. Why should I

to this one?


There are many other sincere efforts by devotees at providing Krishna-conscious

forums for dialogue. However, in many of these cases, the discussions have been

marred by a tendency towards heated exchanges, name-calling,

politically-motivated postings, fanatical behavior, and/or Vaishnava aparaadha.

The Achintya list is unique in that it uses Brahminical culture as a paradigm

for all discussions. All postings are strictly moderated in such a way as to

prevent behavior that would be frowned upon in a Brahminical community of

Vaishnavas. Thus, list members are not allowed to disparage other individuals or

institutions, behave in a condescending fashion towards each other, or argue

endlessly without addressing scriptural evidence.



3) How can I join the Achintya list?


The best way is to go to http://www.achintya.org and click on "join this group"

in the upper right hand corner. This will take you through a registration

process which will give you a free Groups userid and password. You will

need this groups userid and password to access the group's special

features, which include message archives, web-based posting, file downloads,

webpage bookmarks, online chatting, calendar, and photo album.


Alternately, you can simply send a blank e-mail to

achintya-. However, this will not give you the free

Groups userid, and thus you will not able to access the special features

of the list.



4) I already have mail. Do I need a groups userid as well?


Yes. The mail account is NOT the same as a groups userid. You will

need the latter if you want to read the Achintya list archives.



5) I am already d to the Achintya list with e-mail only, and I do not

have a groups userid. How can I go about getting one?


If you already have a Groups userid, but you have not linked it to the

Achintya list, simply go to www.achintya.org and click on "find your

membership." Groups will attempt to find email addresses by which you are

d. If successful, you simply have to click "get web access" next to the

e-mail address with which you are d.


If this does not work, or if you do not have a Groups userid, you can

simply go to www.achintya.org and click "join this group" as if you were joining

for the first time. Go through the registration process, giving the e-mail

address with which you are already d to the list. Once you are

complete, groups will link a new groups userid to your already

existing e-mail address.



6) I have a COM account, and I am having trouble getting e-mail from the

Achintya list, even though I can post to it. I have to go to the webpage to see

the postings. What gives?


Some COM members have reported problems of this nature. The following fix from

Rama Kesava dasa (nine9) may address this issue:



I learn from the PAMHO SysOp that the reason many COM susbscribers

are having problems receiving texts (or not getting any at all) is because

he decided that we would have to read on-line, due to the

amount of messages that are received from . (Apparently 13,000 per

month.) There is a way to make it work, though! If you turn off the "Spam

filter" the messages are then delivered.


To turn off WinCOM's spam filter, you execute the following command:

@switch off spam filter

or go to "Change my Personal Settings", under the "Change my settings" tab

in the Commands members, and switch it off there.




7) I consider myself a Gaudiiya Vaishnava, but I am not a member of ISKCON nor a

follower of Srila Prabhupada. Is it okay for me to join?


Yes. The Achintya list is open to everyone, regardless of their spiritual

background or spiritual master (or lack thereof). It is not necessary to be a

Gaudiiya Vaishnava to join. All that is requested is that members conduct

themselves according to brahminical standards of conduct. The Achintya list is

not the property of any specific, religious organization.



8) I want to post something, but I feel a little intimidated because there are

so many scholarly discussions. Should I just sit on the sidelines and observe?


No! Feel free to post, as long as your postings are relevant to Gaudiiya

Vaishnavism. The list is meant for devotees of all different stages of learning

and realization. Many devotees like to post basic questions and answers

pertaining to Krishna-consciousness. Other devotees like to share experiences

they had while on pilgrimmage in India. Achintya allows for all variety of

discussion as long as the basic theme is one of Krishna-consciousness.



9) Some of my postings were rejected from Achintya. What should I do?


First of all, don't be upset. Look at the moderator feedback in the rejection

message, which will usually explain the specific error.


The most common errors are:


- quoting too much replied-to text


- not entitling your message appropriately (when you respond to the digest

format of the list, your mail reader will use the digest number as the subject

line. You MUST delete this and manually enter the actual subject of your



Sometimes the errors are more serious in nature, such as:


- posting remarks which disparage other individuals, spiritual leaders, or

religious institutions (note that merely refuting another person's opinion is

NOT the same as belittling him)


- prolonging arguments without addressing an opponent's evidence, or failing to

quote evidence when asked to do so


- posting blatantly irrelevant articles


In most cases, specific feedback will be provided, so you will know where the

problem is. If no such feedback is provided, you may write to

achintya-owner with a request for feedback.


No matter the error, it is usually possible to edit one's posting and resubmit

it, and most rejection notices are delivered with this in mind. Therefore,

please do not take a rejection notice personally, but instead see it as an

opportunity to improve upon your posting.



10) I like the Krishna-conscious thrust of this list, but occasionally I see

opinions posted that seem contrary to Srila Prabhupada's teachings and/or

devotional service. Should I just so that I do not have to see



If your faith in Srila Prabhupada is so fragile that an occasional, contrary

opinion will shatter it, then perhaps yes. However, a more mature approach might

be to read the rebuttals that other list members offer, and/or try to offer a

rebuttal of your own.


Remember that while Achintya is dedicated to pleasing Srila Prabhupada and Lord

Chaitanya, it is still a discussion group, which means that opinions relevant to

Vedic culture and bhakti-yoga will often be discussed and debated. The general

philosophy of the Achintya list is that friendly discussion between different

individuals helps everyone to understand each other's perspective. Interaction

between different members of different levels of understanding helps to weed out

misconceptions and strengthen conviction in the correct understanding of



Because of the variety of people who join the Achintya list, it is likely that

there will be debates from time to time between:


(1) different Gaudiiya Vaishnavas on the proper understanding of Achintya Beda

Abeda philosophy

(2) Gaudiiya and non-Gaudiiya Vaishnavas on the proper interpretation of


(3) Vaishnavas and secular-minded individuals regarding general philosophy of

religion, authenticity/origins of scripture, etc.


These discussions are welcome so long as members remain civil, address each

other's points (rather than arguing for the sake of being argumentative), and

show mutual respect. In other words, members must maintain an open-minded

mentality, and thus be prepared to be proven wrong if an opponent has given a

superior, evidence-based argument. The moderator will not allow debates in which

participants mock each other, engage in name-calling, behave in a condescending

manner, refuse to address key points, or show other signs of simply prolonging

the argument because they do not want to give in. A good attitude is required

for those who wish to debae.



11) I am not a very intellectual person, but I would like to participate in the

discussions. How can I be more prepared for the occasional debate?


Know your evidence! For Gaudiiya Vaishnavas, this means knowing Srila

Prabhupada's books. There is simply no way around this. Srila Prabhupada's

Bhaktivedanta purports contain abundant examples of objections and refutations,

and Gaudiiyas are advised to study them. Other Vaishnavas can study the writings

of their respective traditions.


If you would like further guidance on constructing arguments or avoiding logical

fallacies, the following links might be useful:




Note that this is no substitute for knowing scripture, nor is logic considered

to be valid independently of scripture when discussing spiritual matters. The

website above is given to present guidelines for logical debate. No endorsement

is intended of its conclusions.



12) I sometimes notice delays between when I post an article and when it

appears, if at all, on Achintya. Why is this?


As there is only one moderator on the Achintya list (and he is a busy man at

that), problems arise when list members post articles that stretch the limits

allowed by the rules. In such cases, it becomes difficult to decide how best to

apply the rules in approving or rejecting the posting.


The best way to avoid delays in posting is to be fully cognizant of the Achintya

rules, keeping your postings within the parameters allowed by them. Articles

which "test the limits," for example, by including irrelevant material,

containing veiled personal attacks, or not following submission guidelines, will

almost certainly take more time for consideration, if not rejected outright.



13) Where can I review the rules for posting to Achintya?


You will have received a copy of the rules when you d to Achintya. An

updated copy is always available in the file area of the Achintya webpage,

located at:




The document is available in both text file and html formats.


There will be monthly mailings of the updated rules, as well as this FAQ, for

all Achintya list members.



14) I really enjoy looking at the Achintya website (www.achintya.org), and I

would like to volunteer to perform some service for the Achintya page. Whom

should I contact?


Send an e-mail to achintya-owner. There are many areas in which

the Achintya page can be improved. Help is always appreciated.



HariKrishna Susarla

Moderator, Achintya List

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